Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/227

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75TH CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CHS . 249, 252-MAY 24, 25, 1937 [CHAPTER 249] May 24,1 937

AN ACT [H . R. 31351

For the exchange of land in Hudson Falls, New York, for the purpose of the [Public, No . 107]

p ost-of fice s ite . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to convey to the owner of the land abutting the easterly side of the post-office site at Hudson Falls, New York, the following-described piece or parcel of land f orming a part of s aid post- office si te Lying and being in the city of Hudson Falls, county of Wash- ington, State of New York, and described as follows : Beginning at a point in the northerly side of Pearl Street distant eastwardly one hundred and forty-five feet from the intersection of the easterly side of Main Street with the northerly side of Pearl Street, said point being the southeast corner of the present post-office site ; running thence along the northerly side of Pearl Street, south eighty-one degrees fifty-seven minutes west a distance of ten feet to a point ; thence north five degrees forty-eight minutes west a distance of thirty-six and sixty-seven one-hundredths feet to a point in the westerly side of lands now or formerly of D . S . Griffin ; thence along lands o f said Griff in sou th twe nty-on e degre es twe lve mi nutes east a dista nce o f thi rty- seven and sixt y-two one- hundr edth s fee t to the point or place of beginning ; in consideration of the conveyance to the United States of the follow- ing-described piece or parcel of land as an addition to the said post- office site Lying and being in the city of Hudson Falls, county of Washing- ton, State of Now York, and described as follows : Beginning at a point eighty-five feet north and one hundred and forty-five feet east of the intersection of the easterly side of Main Street with the northerly side of Pearl Street, said point being the northeast corner of the present post-office site ; running thence north eighty-one degrees fifty-seven minutes east a distance of twelve and fifty-nine one- hundredths feet to a point ; thence south five degrees forty-eight minutes east a distance of forty-six and eighteen one-hundredths feet to a point in the easterly side of the present post-office site ; thence along the easterly side of said post-office site north twenty-one degrees twelve minutes west a distance of forty-seven and thirty-eight one- hundred ths fe et to the po int or place of beg inning . Approved, May 24, 1937 . Hudson Falls, N. Y . Exch ange of lan d for post-o ffice site au- thorized. Description . May 25, 1937 [H.J.Res.3481 [Pub. Res., No. 32] National Aviation Day. President author- ized to issue procla- mation designating May 28,1937, as . [CHAPTER 2521 JOI NT RES OLUT ION Design ating May 28, 1937, National A viation Day . Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the United States is authorized to designate May 28, 1937, as National Aviation Day, and to issue a proclamation calling upon officials of the Government to display the flag of the United States on all Government buildings on that day, and inviting the people of the United States to observe the day with appropriate exercises to further and stimu late inte rest in a viation in the Un ited Stat es . Approved, May 25, 1937 .