Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/248

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75TH CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CH . 277-MAY 28, 1937 forest fi res in national parks or other areas administered by the National Park Service, or fires that endanger such areas, fiscal year 1937, $130,000 : Pr o v id e d, That the allotment of these funds to the various national parks or areas administered by the National Park Service as may be required for fire-fighting purposes shall be made by the Secretary of the Interior, and then only after the obligation for the expenditure has been incurred . OFFICE OF EDUCATION Salaries and expenses, vocational rehabilitation : For an additional amount for carrying out the provisions of section 6 of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the promotion of vocational rehabili- tation of persons disabled in industry, and so forth", approved June 2, 1920 (U. S. C., title 29, sec. 31) , and the Acts of June 9, 1930 , and June 30, 1932 (U. S. C., title 29, sets. 31, 40), and August 14, 1935 (49 Stat. 620), fiscal year 193 7, $4, 000 . GOV ERNMEN T IN THE T ERRIT ORIES Legislative expenses, Territory of Alaska : For an additional amount for legislative expenses for the fiscal year 1937, including $5,400 for salaries of members ; $1,290 for salaries of employees ; $2,010 for printing, indexing, comparing proofs, and binding laws, printing, indexing, and binding journals, stationery, supplies, print- ing of bills, reports, and so forth ; in all, $8,700, to be expended under the direction of the Governor of Alaska. Alaska Railroad Appropriated Fund : For an additional amount for every expenditure requisite for and incident to the authorized work of the Alaska Railroad including the same objects and subject to the same limitations specified under this head in the Department of the Interior Appropriation Act, 1937, and i nclud ing al terat ions and r epair s to charte red v essels and payme nt of commi ssion s to d ock agents, $172,222, to continue available until expended . FREEDMEN'S HOSPITAL For an additional amount for the maintenance and operation of Freedmen's Hospital, including the same objects specified under this head in the Department of the Interior Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1937, $1 0,000, of which amount one-half shall be chargeable to the District of Columbia, and paid in like manner as other appropriations of the District of Columbia are paid . DEPARTMENT OF JU STI CE OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL Contingent expenses : For an additional amount for contingent expenses, Department of Justice, including the same objects specified under this head in the Department of Justice Appropriation Act, 193 7, fiscal year 1937, $16,000 . FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Claims for damages : For the payment of claims for damages to any person or damages to or loss of privately owned property caused by employees of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, acting within the scope of their employment, considered, adjusted, and determined by the Attorney General, under the provisions of the 49 Stat.1800. 223 Proviso. Restriction on allot- ments . Office o f Educati on . Federal Board for Voca tio nal Edu cat ion . 41 Stat.737;46Stat. 526; 47 Stat. 450. 29U.S.C.°39. 49 Stat. 633 . 29 U. S. C., Supp. 11,°45b. Government in the Territories . Legislative expenses . 49 Slat.1799. Alaska Railroad . Maintenance, etc . Freedmen's Hos- pital . Maintenance, etc . 49 Stat.1803. Division of ex- pense s. Dep art ment of Jus - tice . Attorney General's off ice . Cont ingent e xpen- ses . 49 Stat . 1322. Federal Bureau of Inve stigation . Private dam age claims, payment .