Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/273

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248 Cooperative associa- tion representation . 49 Stat . 759. Conversion factors ; prov ision rep ealed . 48 provision 37 . 0 Geographical appli- cation . 48 Stat. 37, 675 . "Interstate or for- eign commerce" de- emed. Agricultural co m- modity, etc., market- ing t ransaction . "State" construed . Appropriations. 48 Stat. 528. Arbitration of milk disputes . Conduct of meet- ings . Approval of award . 75TH CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CH . 296-JUNE 3, 1937 under such provision . Nothing in this subsection shall be construed as limiting representation by cooperative associations as provided in subsection (12) ." (g) Section 10 (c) is amended by striking out ", including regu- lations establishing conversion factors for any commodity and article processed therefrom to determine the amount of tax imposed or re funds to be made with respe ct th ereto " (h) Section 10 (f) is amended by striking out the last sentence thereof. (i) Section 10 is amended by adding at the end thereof the follow- ing new subsection "(j) The term interstate or foreign commerce' means commerce between any State, Territory, or possession, or the District of Colum- bia, and any place putside thereof ; or between points within the same State, Territory, or possessio n, or the District of Columbia, but through any place outside thereof ; or within any Territory or posses- sion, or the District of Columbia . For the purpose of this Act (but in nowis e lim iting the f orego ing de finit ion) a mark eting trans actio n in respe ct to an ag ricul tural commo dity or the prod uct t hereof shal l be consi dered in in terst ate o r fore ign c ommerc e if such commod ity o r product is part of that current of interstate or foreign commerce usual in the handling of the commodity or product whereby they, or either of them, are sent from one State to end their transit, after pur chase , in anothe r, in cludi n all cases where purchase or sale is either for shipment to another State or for the processing within the State and the shipment outside the State of the products so processed . Agricultural commodities or products thereof normally in such cur- rent of interstate or foreign commerce shall not be considered out of such current through resort being had to any means or device intended to remove transactions in respect thereto from the provisions of this Act . As used herein, the word State' includes Territory, the District of Columbia, possession of the United States, and foreign nations." (j) Section 12 (a) is amended by striking out "and production ad just ment s" . SEC . 3 . (a) The Secretary of Agriculture, or such officer or em- ployee of the Department of Agr iculture as may be designated by him, upon writt en ap plicat ion o f any coope rativ e asso ciati on, i ncor- porated or otherwise, which is in good faith owned or controlled by producers or organizations thereof, of milk or its products, and which is bona fide engaged in collective processing or preparing for market or handling or marketing (in the current of interstate or foreign commerce, as defined by paragraph (i) of section 2 of this Act), milk or its products, may mediate and, with the consent of all parties, shall ar bitrate if the Secretar y has reaso n to believ e that the declared policy of the Agricultural Adjustment Act, as amended, would be effectuated thereby, bona fide disputes, between such associations and the purchasers or handlers or processors or distributors of milk or its products, as to terms and conditions of the sale of milk or its products. The power to arbitrate under this section shall apply only to such subjects of the term or condition in dispute as could be regulated under the provisions of the Agricultural Adjustment Act, as amended, relating to orders for milk and its products . (b) Meetings held pursuant to this section shall be conducted subject to such rules and regulations as the Secretary may prescribe . (c) No award or agreement resulting from any such arbitration or mediation shall be effective unless and until approved by the Secre- tary of Agriculture, or such officer or employee of the Department