Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/301

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276 43 Sta t . 612, 1302 ; 48 Stat. 302. 38U.S.C .°445. Judicial. United States Su- preme Court . Salari es, Chi ef Jus - tic e and Associate Justices . Reporter and other officers and employ- ees . Post, p . 766. Pri nti ng and bi nd- ing . Misce llaneo us ex- penses . Care of building and ground s . 48 Stat. 668. R.S. °° 3709 3744. 41 U.S.C.°J5,16. Judges . Salaries . Retired judges . 28U.S.C .°375 . 46 Stat . 737 . 19U.S.0.°1518. Proviso . Availab ility . Court of Customs and Patent Appeals. Salaries. Contingent ex- pe nses . Printing and g- m g - Customs Court . Salaries . 75TH CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION-CFI. 359-JUNE 16, 1937 World War Veterans' Act, 1924, approved June 7, 1924, as amended and supplemented, or the compromise of the same under the Inde- pendent Offices Appropriation Act, 1934, approved June 16, 1933, including office expenses, law books, supplies, equipment, stenographic repor ting s ervice s by c ontrac t or o therwis e, inc luding notar ial fe es or li ke ser vices and st enogra phic w ork in taking depos itions at su ch rates of compensation as may be authorized or approved by the Attorney General, printing and binding, the employment of experts at such rates of compensation as may be authorized or approved by the Attorney General, and personal services in the District of Colum- bia and elsewhere, $530,000 . JU DICIAL UNIT ED STATES SU PREM E C OURT Salaries : For the Chief Justice and eight Associate Justices, Reporter of the Court, and all other officers and employees whose compensation shall be fixed by the Court, except as otherwise pro- vided by law, and who may be employed and assigned by the Chief Justice to any office or work of the Court, $422,700 . Printing and binding : For printing and binding for the Supreme Court of the United States, $21,000, to be expended as required with- out allotment by quarters, and to be executed by such printer as the Court may designate . Miscellaneous expenses : For miscellaneous expenses of the Supreme Court of the United States, to be expended as the Chief Justice may approve, $26,000 . Structural and mechanical care of the building and grounds : For such expenditures as may be necessary to enable the Architect of the Capitol to carry out the duties imposed upon him by the Act approved May 7, 1934 (48 Stat . 668), including improvements, maintenance, repairs, equipment, supplies, materials, and appurte- nances, and personal and other services, and for snow removal by hire of men and equipment or under contract without compliance with sections 3709 and 3744 of the Revised Statutes (U . S . C ., title 41, sees . 5 and 16), $60,000 . SALARIES OF J UDG ES Salaries of judges : For forty-three circuit judges ; one hundred and sixty-three district judges (including two in the Territory of . Hawaii, one in the Territory of Puerto Rico, four in the Territory of Alaska, and one in the Virgin Islands) ; and judges retired under section 260 of the Judicial Code, as amended, and section 518 of the Tariff Act of 1930 ; in all, $2,410,000 : Provided, That this appro- priation shall be available for the salaries of all United States justices and circuit and district judges lawfully entitled thereto, whether active or retired . COURT OF CUSTOMS AND PATENT APPEALS Salaries : Presiding judge and four associate judges and all other officers and employees of the court, $101,120 . Contingent expenses : For books and periodicals, including their exch ang e ; stat ionery, s upplies, traveling expenses ; dr ugs , c he mic als , cleansers, furniture ; and for such other miscellaneous expenses as may be approved by the presiding judge, $3,000 . Printing and binding : For printing and binding, $6,250 . UNIT ED STATES CU STOM S CO URT Salaries : Presiding judge and eight judges ; and all other officers and employees of the court, $229,900 .