Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/306

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75TH CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CH . 359-JUNE 16, 1937 Unite d State s penit entiary , McNei l Islan d, Wash ington : F o r th e United States penitentiary at McNeil Island, Washington, including not to exceed $258,480 for salaries and wages of all officers and e mployees, $513,980 . Construction and repair : For construction and repair of build- ings, including (1) extension of existing facilities, $27,000, and (2) d evelopm ent of island area, $ 110,00 0, incl uding t he purc hase an d installation of machinery and equipment and all expenses incident thereto, $137,000, to be available immediately and to remain avail- able until expended and to be expended so as to give the maximum amount of employment to inmates of the institution : Provided, That the ultimate cost of the project for development of the island area shall not exceed $800,000 . Unit ed Stat es Nort heaster n Penit entiary : For the United States penitentiary in the Northeast, including not to exceed $391,510 for salaries and wages of all officers and employees, and including the purchase of one passenger-carrying automobile, $734,390 . United States Penitentiary, Alcatraz Island, California : For the U nited Stat es Peniten tiary at Al catraz Isl and, Calif ornia, inc luding not to exceed $161,960 for salaries and wages, of all officers and e mployees, $305,600 . Federal Industrial Institution for Women, Alderson, West Vir- gi nia : For the Fe deral I ndustr ial Ins titutio n for W omen at Alder- s on, Wes t Virgi nia inc luding not to exceed $139,4 80 for salarie s and wages of all officers and employees, $273,900 . United States Industrial Reformatory, Chillicothe, Ohio : For the United States Industrial Reformatory at Chillicothe, Ohio, including not to exceed $352,560 for salaries and wages of all officers and employees, $761,360 . United States Southwestern Reformatory : For the United States Southwestern Reformatory, including not to exceed $284,090 for sal- aries and wages of all officers and employees, $514,040 . United States Hospital for Defective Delinquents : For the United States Hospital for Defective Delinquents, including not to exceed $153,920 for salaries and wages of all officers and employees, and including the purchase of one passenger-carrying automobile, $341,000. Federal jails : For maintenance and operation of Federal jails, in cluding not to exce ed $455,000 for sal aries and wages of all officers a nd employe es, $1,023 ,465 . Prison camps : For the construction and repair of buildings at prison camps, the purchase and installation of machinery and equip- ment, and all necessary expenses incident thereto, and for the mainte- n ance of Un ited State s prisoners at prison camps, in cluding th e pur- chase of four passenger-carrying automobiles and the maintenance, alteration, repair, and operation of a motor-propelled passenger- c arrying bu s and four passenger- carrying a utomobiles , to be ex pended so as to give the maximum amount of employment to prisoners, $376,440 : Provided, That reimbursements from this appropriation m ade to the War or oth er depa rtment s for s upplies or sub sistenc e shall be at the net contract or invoice price notwithstanding the p rovisions of any oth er Act . Federal Reformatory Camp, Petersburg, Virginia : For the Fed- eral Reformatory Camp at Petersburg, Virginia, including not to exceed $133,640 for salaries and wages of all officers and employees, $ 274,000 . Not to exceed 10 per centum of any of the foregoing appropria- t ions un der the genera l headi ng "Pe nal and Correc tional Institu - t ions" (exc ept those for "Medica l and hosp ital servi ces", "Bui ldings McNeil Island , Wash . Construction, etc . Pro viso . Cost limitation . 281 Nort hea ster n P eni- tentiary . Alcatraz Island, Calif. Fede ral Ind ust rial Institution for Wom . en, Alderson, W . Va. Industrial Reforma- tory, Chillicothe, Ohio . Sout hwe ste rn Re- form ato ry . nospital for Defeo tive Delinquents. Federal jails. Prison camps, con. struction, etc . Maintenance . Proviso . Reimbursements . Federal Reforma- tory Camp, Peters- burg, Va . T ran sfer of app ro- p riations authorize d .