Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/312

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75TH CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION-CH . 3 59-J UNE 16, 193 7 reports, documents, plans, specifications, manuscripts, and all other publications, rent outside of the District of Columbia, ice and drink- ing water for office purposes, and all other necessary incidental expenses (not exceeding $50 in any one case) connected therewith, $520,000 : Provided, That a stateme nt of exp enditure s from t his appropriation shall be reported to Congress in the annual Budget . Salaries and expenses, Foreign Commerce Service

For the promo-

tion and development of the foreign commerce of the United States and for carrying out the provisions of the Act approved March 3, 19 27, as amended (U . S . C ., title 15, sees . 197-197f, 198), to establish in the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Department of Commerce, a Foreign Commerce Service of the United States, includ- ing pers onal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, t he compensation of a clerk or clerks for each commercial attach¢ at a rate not to excee d $3,000 per annum for eac h person so e mployed, and to carry out the provision s of the Act entitled "Chi na Trade Act, 1922", including rent outside of the District of Columbia, the purc hase of neces sary furnitur e and equipme nt, loss by e xchange, stationery and supplies, typewriting, adding, duplicating, and com- puting m achines, accessories and repa irs, law books, books of refe r- ence, and periodicals, uniforms, maps, reports, documents, plans, specifications, manuscripts, newspapers (not exceeding $2,500), ice and drinking water for office purposes, and for every necessary inci- dental expense (not exceeding $50 in any one case) not included in the above . The purchase of supplies and equipment or the procure- ment of services in foreign countries may be made in the open mark et without compliance with section 3709 of the Revised Statutes of the United States (U . S . C ., title 41, sec . 5) in the manner common among businessmen when the aggregate amount of the purchase or the service does not exceed $100 in any instance ; Foreign Commerce Service officers are authorized to enter into leases for office quarters, paym ent in advance for rent, tele phone, or other charges requi red by the customs of the country is hereby authorized ; and for all other necessary expenses (not exceeding $50 in any one case) not included in the f oregoing, $778,000 : Prov ided, That a st atement of ex pendi- tures from this appropriation shall be reported to Congress in the annual Budget. Transportation of families and effects of officers and employees and allowances for living quarters : To pay the traveling expenses and expenses of transportation, u nder such regulations as the Secre- tary of Commerce may prescribe, of families and effects of officers and employees of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce in going and returning from their posts, or when traveling under the order of the Secretary of Commerce, and also for defraying the expenses of preparing and transporting the remains of officers and employees of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce who may die abroad or in transit, while in the discharge of their official duties, to their former homes in this country, or to a place not more dist ant, for interment, and for t he ordinary expenses of such inter- ment ; to enable the Secretary of Commerce, under such regulations as he may prescribe, in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to amend the Act entitled An Act to establish in th e Bureau of Fore ign and Domestic Commerce of the Departmen t of Commerce, a Foreign Commerce Service of the United States, and fo r other purpo ses', approve d March 3, 19 27", approved April 12, 19 30 (U. S . C ., title 15, sec. 197F), to furnish the officers in the Foreign Commerce Service of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce stationed in a foreign country, without cost to them and t 287 Proviso . Report to Congress . For eign Com merc e Service . 44 Stat.1394. 15U.S.C.°°197- 197f, 193. Personal services . China Trade Act, enforcement . 15 U. S. C.°°141- 16 2. Supplies, e tc . R.S.°3709. 41U.S.C.°5. Proviso. Report t o Congress . Tra nspo rtat ion of families and effects of officers and employ- ees . Bringing home re- mains of officers, etc ., dying abroad . Allowances for liv- ing qua rters . 44 Stat. 1395; 46 Stat . 163 . 15 U.S. C.°197h(f).