Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/330

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75T H CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION-CHS . 369, 376-JUNE 19, 23, 1937

305 discharge of, any of its functions or activities on June 1, 1938 . The Committee shall, within ninety days thereafter, report thereon to the President, who may authorize and direct the publication of such codification in special or supplemental editi ons of the Federal Regi ster . "(b) There is hereby established a Codification Board, which shall consist of six members : The Director of the Division of the Federal Register, chairman ex officio; three attorneys of the Depart- ment. of Justice, designated by the Attorney General; and two atto rneys of the Divis ion of the F ederal Regist er, de signat ed by the Archivist . The Board shall supervise and coordinate the form, styl e, arr angeme nt, an d inde xing of the c odific ations of th e vari ous agencies . "(c) The codified documents of the several agencies published in the supp leme ntal editi on of the Fede ral Regis ter p ursua nt t o the provisions of subsection (a) hereof, as amended by documents sub- sequ ently filed with t he Div ision, and pu blishe d in t he dai ly iss ues of the Federal Register, shall be prima-facie evidence of the text of such documents and of the fact that they are in full force and effect on and after the date of publication thereof . "(d) The Administrative Committee shall prescribe, with the app roval of the P resid ent, regu latio ns f or ca rryin g out the pro- visions of this section ." Appr oved, June 19, 1937 . Report of Co m- mittee; publication of cod ifi cati on . Codification Board; establishment, com- positio n, etc . Codification to be prima-facie evidence of text, etc . Administrative reg- ulations . [CHAPTER 3 76] AN ACT June 23, 1 937 To amend the provisions of the pension laws for peace-time service to include [H . R . 28971 Reserve officers and members of the Enlisted Reserves .

[Public, No . 159] Be it enacted b y the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That Veterans' Regulation 1 (a), part II, paragraph 1 (a), be amended to read as follows "1 . (a) For disability resulting from personal injury or disease contracted in line of duty or for aggravation of a preexisting injury or disease contracted or suffered in line of duty when such disability was incurred in or aggravated by active military or naval service other than in a period of war service as provided in part I, the United States will pay to any person thus disabled and who was honorably discharged from such period of service in which said injury or disease was incurred, or preexisting injury or disease was aggravated, a pen- sio n as here inafter p rovided, but no pe nsion sha ll be pai d if the disa- bility is the result of the person's own misconduct : Provided, That active service, including service for training purposes, performed by a Reserve officer or member of the Enlisted Reserves of the United States Army, Navy, or Marine Corps, shall be considered as active mil itary or nav al ser vice f or the purpo se of g rantin g bene fits u nder part Ii hereof, and it shall not be required that such Reserve officer or enlisted man shall have been discharged from the service . Pension und er thi s para graph shall not be paid concurr ently with a ctive duty pay or employees' compensation . Where a person who is eligible for pension hereunder is also eligible for the benefits of Employees' Com pensation Act, lie shall el ect which benefit he shall receive . This amendment shall be effective June 15, 1933, but payment of pension hereunder shall be effective from the date of receipt in the Veterans' Administration of application therefor or the date of enactment of th is ame ndment, whic hever is the later ." Appr oved, June 23, 1937 . 1 25151 §-3 7--20 Reserv e offic ers an d members of Enlisted Reserves . Provisions of pen- sion laws for peace- time service extended to. Precise. Reserves in active service, including train ing, gi ven a pen- siona ble sta tus . Pension not paid concurrently with ac- tive duty pa y, etc . Choice where also eligi ble to disabi lity compensation . Effective date .