Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/368

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75T H CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION-CH . 396-JUNE 28, 1937 dental expenses, $144,840, of which $10,450 shall be available only for installation of a. water main and water line and the purchase of fire hose . p Preservation of collections : For continuing preservation, exhibi- tion, and increase of collections from the surveying and exploring e xpedi tions of the G overn ment, and from othe r so urces , inc ludi ng pe rsonal servi ces, t raveli ng exp enses, purcha sing a nd sup plying uni- forms to guards and elevator conductors, postage stamps and foreign o stal cards and all other nece ssar y exp enses , an d not exce edin g 5, 500 for preparation of manuscripts, drawings, and illustrations for publications, and not exceeding $3,000 for purchase of books, pa mphlet s, and perio dicals , $609 ,380 . NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART For the administration of the National Gallery of Art by the Smithsonian Inst itu tio n, including compensation of necessary em ployee s, pur chase of boo ks of refere nce and perio dicals , trav eling expenses, uniforms for guards, and necessary incidental expenses, $34,275 . PRINTING AND BINDING For all printing and binding for the Smithsonian Institution, including all of its bureaus, offices, institutions, and services located in Washington, District of Columbia, and elsewhere, $65,000, of which not to exceed $8,000 shall be available for printing the report of the A merica n Hist orical Assoc iation . Total, Smithsonian Institution, $1,023,665, of which amount not to exceed $846,000 may be expended for personal services in the Di strict of Co lumbia . SOCIAL SECURITY BOARD Salaries and expenses : For' all a uthori zed an d nece ssary adminis - trative expenses of the Social Security Board in performing the duties imposed upon it in titles I, II, III, IV, VII, IX, and X of the Social Security Act, approved August 14, 1935, including three Board mem- bers, an executive director at a salary of $9,000 a year, a director of the old-age benefits division at a salary of $9,000 a . year, and other personal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere ; travel exp enses, inclu ding n ot to exceed $10,0 00 for expens es of attend ance at meetings concerned with the work of the Board when specifically authorized by the chairman ; not to exceed $10,000 for payment of actual transportation expenses and not to exceed $10 per diem in lieu of subsis tence and ot her ex penses of pe rsons s erving while away from their home, without other compensation, in an advisory capacity to the Social Security Board ; supplies ; reproducing, photographing, and all other equipment, office appliances, and labor-saving devices ; services ; advertising, postage, telephone, telegraph, and not to exceed $900 for teletype news services and tolls ; newspapers and press clip- pings (not to exceed $1,500), periodicals, manuscripts and special reports, purchase and exchange of law books and other books of refer- ence ; library membership fees or dues in organizations which issue publications to members only or to members at a lower price than to others, payment for which may be made in advance ; alterations and repairs ; rentals, including garages, in the District of Columbia or elsewhere ; purchase and exchange, not to exceed $35,000, operation, maintenance, and repair of motor-propelled passenger-carrying veh icles to be used o nly for o fficial p urposes i n the Dis trict of Colum- bia and in the field ; and miscellaneous items, including those for public instruction and information deemed necessary by the Board, Travel expenses . Supplies . Vehicles . 343 Preservation of col- lections . National Gallery of Art. Administrative ex- penses . Printing and bind- ing . American Historical Association report . Social Security Board . Sa lar ies and ex- penses . 49 Stat . 620-629, 635, 639 .645. 42 U.S.C., Supp.II, ° 301- Post, p . 759 . Details for advisory purposes .