Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/370

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75T H CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION-CH . 396-JUNE 28, 1937 Grants to States for aid to the blind : For grants to States for the purpose of enabling each State to furnish financial assistance to needy indivi duals who are blind, as aut horized in tit le X of the Social Security Act, approved August 14, 1935, $10,000,000, of which sum such amount as may be necessary shall be available for grants under such title X for any period in the fiscal year 1937 subsequent to March 31, 1937 : Provided, That payments to States for the fourth quarter of the fiscal year 1937 and for any quarter in the fiscal year 1938 under such title X may be made with respect to any State plan approve d under su ch title X by the So cial Secur ity Board prior to or during such period, but no such payment shall be made with respect to any plan for any period prior to the quarter in which such plan was submitted to the Board for approval . The appropriations herein made for "Grants to States for old-age assistance", "Grants to States for aid to dependent children", and "Grants to States for aid to the blind", shall be available inter- chang eably for transfer o f appropria tions but no such tr ansfer sha ll be made except upon approval of the Director of the Bureau of the Budget. Total, Social Security Board, $226,100,000 . TARIFF COMMISSION For salaries and expenses of the Tariff Commission, including per- sonal services in the. District of Columbia and elsewhere, purchase and exchange of labor-saving devices, the purchase of professional and scientific books, law books, books of reference, gloves and other prote ctive equi pment for photostat a nd other m achine ope rators, re nt in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, subscriptions to news- papers and periodicals, and contract stenographic reporting services, as authorized by sections 330 to 341 of the Tariff Act of 1930, approved June 17, 1930 (U . S . C ., title 19, sees . 1330-1341), $925,000, of which amount not to exceed $2,500 may be expended for expenses, exce pt memb ership fees, of atte ndance at meet ings co ncerned with subjects under investigation by the Commission ; and not to exceed $7 .500 for a llowances for living quarters, including heat, fue l, and ligh t, as a uthori zed by the Act approv ed June 26, 1930 (U. S. C., title 5, sec . 118a), but not to exceed $1,700 for any one person : Pro- vided, That the Commission may procure supplies and services without regard to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (U . S . C ., title 41, sec . 5) when the aggregate amount involved does not exceed $ 50 : Pr ovided furt her, That no part of this appropriation shall be used to pay the salary of any member of the Tariff Commission who shall hereafter participate in any proceedings under sections 33 6, 337, and 338 of the Tariff Act of 193 0, wherein he or any member of h is family has any sp ecial, dir ect, and p ecuniary i nterest, o r in which he has acted as attorney or special representative . For all printing and binding for the Tariff Commission, $20,000 . Total, Tariff Commission, $945,000 . VETERANS' A DMIN IST RAT ION Administration, medical, hospital, and domiciliary services : For al l salaries and expen ses of the Veterans' Administra tion, incl uding the expenses of maintenance and operation of medical, hospital, and domiciliary services of the Veterans' Administration, in carrying out the duties, powers, and functions devolving upon it pursuant to th e authorit y containe d in the A ct entitled "An Act t o authoriz e the Pre sident to consolidat e and coordinate go vernmental activiti es affect- ing war veterans", approved July 3, 1930 (U. S. C., title 38, sees. Aid to the blind . 49 Stat. 645. Avail ability . 345 Proviso . Pa ymen ts rest ric t- ed. Designated funds interchangeable . Tariff Commission . Sa lari es and ex- penses . Reporting services. 46 Stat. 696. 19U.S.C.°u1330- 1341 . Attendance at meet- ings . Living quarters . 46 Stat. 818. 5U.S.C.°11sa. Provisos . Minor purchases, etc . R.S. °3709. 41 U.S.C.°5. Salary restriction . 46 Stat . 701 . 19 U.

1336- 1338 . Printing and bind- ing . Veterans' Adminis- trat ion . Administration, medical, hospital, and domiciliary services . S ala ries and ex- penses. 46 Stat.1016. 38 U.S. C.°°11-11f.