Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/392

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75TH CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION-CH . 403-JUNE 29, 1937 incident al expenses, $850,000 : Provided, That th is appropriation shall no t be available for collecting ashes or miscellaneous refus e from hotels and places of business or from apartment houses of four or more apartments in which the landlord furnishes heat to tenants . PUBLIC PLAYGROUNDS For personal services, $127,780 : Provided, That employments here- und er, exc ept dir ectors who sha ll be e mployed for t welve m onths, shall be distrib uted as to duration in accordan ce with co rrespondin g employments provided for in the District of Columbia Appropria- tion Act fo r the fiscal year 1 924 . For ge neral m aintena nce, re pairs, and imp rovemen ts, equ ipment, suppli es, incide ntal and c ontingent expenses of playgroun ds, includ - ing labor and maintenance, $40,800 . For the maintenance and contingent expenses of keeping open dur- ing the summer months the public-school playgrounds, under the direction and supervision of the Commissioners ; for special and tem- porary services, directors, assistants, and janitor service during the summer vacation, and, in the larger yards, daily after school hours during the school term, $29,700 . For temporary services, including superintendence, supplies, repairs, maintenance, and expenses necessary in the operation of swimming or bathing pools, $11,300 . ELECT RICAL DE PARTMEN T For personal services, $145,000 . F or general supplies, repairs, new batter ies and ba ttery supp lies, telephone rental and purchase, telephone service charges, wire and cable for extension of telegraph and telephone service, repairs of lines and instruments, purchase of poles, tools, insulators, brackets, pins, hardware, cross arms, ice, record book, stationery, extra labor, new boxes, maintenance of motor trucks, and other necessary items, including not to exceed $600 for the purchase of one non-passenger- carrying motor vehicle, $30,800 . For placing wires of fire alarm, police patrol, and telephone serv- ices underground, extension and relocation of police-patrol and fire- alarm systems, purchase and installing additional lead-covered cables, labor, material, appurtenances, and other necessary equipment and expenses, $40,000, of which $15,000 shall be available for the purchase and replacement of two sections of main trunk cables . Lighting : For purchase, installation, and maintenance of public lamps, lampposts , street d esignation s, lanterns , and fixt ures of al l kinds on streets, avenues, roads, alleys, and public spaces, part cost of maintenance of airport and airway lights necessary for operation of the air mail, and for a ll necessa ry expenses in connec tion there - with, including rental of storerooms, extra labor, operation, main- tenance, and repair of motor trucks, this sum to be expended in accordance with the provisions of sections 7 and 8 of the District of C olumbia Approp riation Act fo r the f iscal y ear 19 12 (36 Stat ., pp . 1008-1011, sec . 7), and with the provisions of the District of Columbia Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1913 (37 Stat ., pp . 181-184, sec . 7), and other laws applicable thereto, $765,000 : Pro- vided, That this appropriation shall not be available for the payment of rates for electric street lighting in excess of those authorized to be paid in the fiscal year 1927, and payment for electric current for new forms of street lighting shall not exceed 2 cents per kilowatt-hour 367 Proviso . Collection re stri c- tion. Public playgrounds . Per sonal ser vices . Proviso. Employments re- stricted . 42 Stat . 1340. Mai ntenance , etc . Public school play- grounds, during sum- mer . Swimming or bath . ing pools, operation . Electrical Depart- ment. Personal services . Supp lies, cont ingent expenses, etc . Plac ing wires under- ground, police patrol and fire al arm sys- tems, etc. Replacing sections of main trunk cables . Lighting streets, etc. Airway lights . 36 Stat. 1008. 37 Stat . 181. Provisos . Rates, limitation .