Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/395

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370 Sup plies to p upils . 46 Stat.62. Kindergartens . Suppl ies for g eneral science departments . School gardens, utensils, etc . Repairs, etc., to buildings . Proviso. Contra cts, etc . Equipment for school yard play- grounds . Proviso . Hours open . Ann uiti es . 41 Stat. 387; 44 Stat. 727 . Deaf, dumb, and bli nd. Maintenance and Instruction . R.S.° 4864. 31 Stat . 844. Colored deaf mutes . Tuition of, under contract . Proviso . Supervision of ex- penditures . Blind children . Tuition of, under contract . Proviso . Supervision of ex- pend itu res. 75TH CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CH . 403-JUNE 29, 1937 nasium, $10,000 ; Grimke School, addition and assembly-gymnasium, $10,000 ; Young School, addition and gymnasium, $7,250 ; Cleveland School, addition, $6,750 ; Shepherd School, second floor, $2,750 ; Den- nison Vocational School, $26,000 ; Paul Junior High School, addition and gymnasium, $10,500 ; Deal Junior High School, addition and gymnasium, $10,500 ; Eastern High School, alterations, $30,000 ; in all, $119,250. For textbooks and other educational books and supplies as author- ized by the Act of January 31, 1930 (46 Stat ., p . 62), including not to exceed $7,000 for personal services, $185,000, to be immediately available . For ma intenance of kinderg artens, $5, 600, to be immediate ly avail- able . For purchase of apparatus, fixtures, specimens, technical books, and for extending the equipment and for the maintenance of labora- tor ies of the departmen t of physi cs, chemis try, biolog y, and gen eral scien ce in the several h igh and junior high schools, vocational schools, and teachers colleges, and for the installation of the same, $16,400, to be immedia tely avail able . For utensils, materials, and labor, for establishment and mainte- nance of school gardens, $2,400 . For repairs and improvements to school buildings and grounds, rep airing and renewing heating, p lumbing, a nd ventilat ing appara tus, insta llation and repair of electric equipme nt, and installation of sani- tary drinking fountains, and maintenance of motor trucks, including not to exceed $975 for the replacement of one one and one-half ton truck and including $4,000 for improvements at the Central High School stadium, $396,975, of which amount $100,000 shall be imme- diately available : Provided, That work performed for repairs and im proveme nts sha ll be b y contr act or otherw ise, as may be deter- mined by the Commissioners to be most advantageous to the District of Columbia . For the purchase, installation, and maintenance of equipment, for school yards for the purposes of play of pupils, $7,000 : Provided, That such playgrounds shall be kept open for play purposes in accord- ance with the schedule maintained for playgrounds under the juris- diction of the playground department . Ta carry out the purposes of the Act approved June 11, 1926, entitled "An Act to amend the Act entitled An Act for the retire- ment of public-school teachers in the District of Columbia', approved Jan uary 15 , 1920, and fo r other purpos es" (41 Stat . , pp . 387-390), $400 ,000 . THE DEAF , DUMB, AND BLIND For maintenance and instruction of deaf and dumb persons admi tted to the Columbian Instituti on for the Deaf from the Distr ict of Columbia, under section 4864 of the Revised Statutes, and as provided for in the Act approved March 1, 1901 (U . S . C., title 24, sec. 238), and under a contract to be entered into with the said institution by the Commissioners, $35,500 . For maintenance and instruction of colored deaf-mutes of teach- able age belonging to the District of Columbia, in Maryland, or some other State, under a contract to be entered into by the Com- missioners, $7,500 : Provided, That all expenditures under this appropriation shall be made under the supervision of the Board of Edu cation . For maintenance and instruction of blind children of the District of Columbia, in Maryland, or some other State, under a contract to be entered into by the Commissioners, $11,500 : Provided, That all expe nditu res un der t his a pprop riati on sha ll be made unde r the supervision of the Board of Education .