Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/419

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394 Proviso . Employment of la- bor . Material, supplies, vehicles, etc. Purchase of. Sur plus a rticle s, price basis . Proviso . Transfers under Ex- ecutive order. Limitation on rent . als . Provisos . Prior leases . Unexpended bal- ances to be covered in . Pay increase by re- allocation of position for bid den . Proviso . Exceptions. Issuan ce of c ongres - sional tags limited . 47 scat . 750. Credit allowed for designated disburse- ments . 75 TH CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CH . 403-JUNE 29, 1937 paid from said appropriation account : Provided, Th at the C om- missioners may delegate to their duly authorized representatives the employment under this section of laborers, mechanics, and ar tisans . SEC . 5 . That the Commissio ners and other responsible officials, in expending appropriations contained in this Act, so far as possible, shall purchase material, supplies, including food supplies and equip- ment, when needed and funds are available, in accordance w ith the regulations and schedules of the Procurement Division of the Treas- ury Department or from various services of the Government of the United States possessing material, supplies, passenger-carrying and other motor vehicles, and equipment no longer required . Surplus artic les purchased from the Gove rnment, if th e same have n ot been used, shall be paid for at a reasonable price, not to exceed actual cost, and if the same have been used, at a reasonable price based upon length of usage . The various services of the Government of the Unite d States are authorized to sell such sur plus articles to the munic ipal governme nt under the c onditions spe cified, and t he pro- ceeds of such sale s shall be cov ered into the Treasury as miscel- laneous receipts : Provided, That this section shall not be construed to amend, alter, or repeal the Executive order of December 3, 1918, co ncer ning the tra nsfe r of off ice mate rial s, s uppl ies, and equ ipme nt in the District of Columbia falling into disuse because of the cessa- tion of war activ ities . SEC . 6. No part of the funds appropriated in this Act shall be available for the payment of rental of quarters for any activity at a rate in excess of 90 per centum of the per annu m rate paid by the District of Columbia for such quarters on June 30, 1933 : Provided, That the provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to leases made prior to the passage of this Act, except when renewals thereof are m ad e h er e af te r : Provide d further, That the appro priations or por- tions of appropriations unexpended by reason of the operation of this paragraph shall not be used for any purpose, but shall be impound ed and deposi ted in the Tre asury to the credit of the Dis- trict of Columbia . SEC. 7. No part of the appropriations contained in this Act shall be used to pay any increase in the salary of any officer or employee by reason of the reallocation of the position of such officer or employee to a higher grade after June 30, 1937, by the C ivil Service Commission, and salaries paid accordingly shall be payment in full : Provided, That the foregoing limitation shall not apply to the reallo- cation of positions where the salary is less than $2,600 per annum . SEC . 8 . No part of this appropriation shall be available for any expense for or incident to the issuance of congressional tags except to those persons set out in the Act of December 19, 1932 (47 Stat . 750), including the Speaker and the Vice President . SEC . 9 . Credit is allowed in the accounts of the District of Colum- bia for disbursements made from the jlermanent and indefinite appropriation "Refund of erroneously paid taxes, D . C .", amount- ing to $3 ,229 .90 , covered by audit numbers 33,568 37,304 , 45,549, 53,546, 63,399, and 70,165, and General Accounting office Certificate Numbered F-5872-DC, dated July 24, 1933. Approved, June 29, 1937 .