Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/431

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406 Mallein testing of animals . Meat insp ectio n. 34 Stat . 679, 1268 . 21U.S.C.°°95, 71-94, 98 . Equine meat . 48 Stat241 . 31U.S.C.°725a. Viru s-Ser um-To xin Act . 37 Stat. 832. 21 U.S.C.°°151- 158 . Marketing agree- ments with respect to bog cholera virus and serum . 49 Stat . 781. 7 U.S. C., Supp.II, °°851-855 . Packers and Stock- yards Act . 42 Stat . 159; 49 Stat. 648. 7U.S.0.°°181- 229;7U.S.C., Supp. II, °° 218-218d . Provisos. Bonds from agen - cies and dealers . Suspension for vio- lation . Fee for inspecting brands. Not imposed unless reque sted . Contagious diseases of ani ma ls. Emergency eradica- tion, foot-and-mouth, etc ., diseases . Balances available . P aymen t for de- stroyed animals . 75TH CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CH . 404--JUNE 29, 19 37 tions, improvements, or additions to buildings thereon ; the inspec- tion work relative to the existence of contagious diseases, and the mallein testing of animals, $680,000 . Meat inspection : For expenses in carrying out the provisions of the Meat Inspection Act of June 30, 1906 (U . S . C ., title 21, sec . 95), as amended by the Act of March 4, 1907 (U. S. C., title 21, s ets . 71- 94), as extended to equine meat by the Act of July 2 4, 1919 (U. S . C., title 21, sec . 96), and as authorized by section 2 (a) of the Act of June 26, 1934 (U . S . C., title 31, sec . 725a), including the purchase of tags, labels, stamps, and certificates printed in course of manufacture, $5,433,000 . Virus-Serum-Toxin Act : For carrying out the provisions of the Act approved March 4, 1913 (U . S. C., title 21, sees . 151-158), regu- lating the preparation, sale, barter, exchange, or shipment of any virus, serum, toxin, or analogous product manufactured in t he United States and the importation of such products intended for use in the treatme nt of domestic an imals, $218,712 . Marketing agreements with respect to hog cholera virus and serum The sum of $30,000 of the appropriation made by section 12 (a) of the Agricultural Adjustment Act, approved May 12, 1933, is hereby made available during the fiscal year 1938 to carry into effect sections 56 to 60, inclusive, of the Act approved August 24, 1935 (U . S . C ., Supp . I, title 7, sees . 851-855), entitled "An Act to amend the Agri- cultural Adjustment Act, and for other purposes", including the employment of persons and means in the District of Columbia and elsewhere . Packers and Stockyards Act : For necessary expenses in carrying out the provisions of the Packers and Stockyards Act, approved August 15, 1921 (U . S . C., title 7, sees . 181-229), as amended by the Act of August 14, 1935 (U . S . C ., Supp. II, title 7, sees . 218-218d), $3 81, 879 : Provid ed, That t he Sec retary of Agri culture may re quire reas onable bonds f rom ev ery mar ket age ncy and dealer , under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe to secure the performance of their obligations, and whenever, after due notice and hearing, the Secretary finds any registr ant is insolvent or has violated a ny pro- visions of said Act he may is sue an order susp ending such regist rant for a reasonable specified period . Such order of suspension shall take effect within not less than five days, unless suspended or modified or set asid e by the Secretary of Agriculture o r a court of compe tent jurisdiction : Provided further, That the Secretary of Agriculture may, whenever necessary, authorize the charging and collection from owners of a reasonable fee for the inspection of brands appearing upon livestock subject to the provisions of the said Act for the pur- pose of determining the ownership of such livestock : Provided fur- ther, That such fee shall not be imposed except upon written request made to the Secretary of Agriculture by the Board of Livestock Commissione rs, or duly organi zed livestock ass ociation of the St ates from which suc h livestock have originated or bee n shipped to marke t . ERADICATION OF FOOT-AND-MOUTH AND OTHER CONTAGIOUS DISEASES OF AN IMAL S In case of an emergency arising out of the existence of foot-and- mouth disease, rinderpest, cont agious pleuropneu monia, or other co n- tagious or infectious disease of animals, which, in the opinion of the Secretary of Agriculture, threatens the livestock industry of the country, he may expend in the city of Washington or elsewhere, any unexpended balances of appropriations heretofore made for this purpose in the arrest and eradi cation of any suc h disease, includi ng