Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/441

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416 Proviso . Cost of buildings. General adminis- tra tive expe nses . Fruit insects . Japan ese beetl e con- trol. Mexican fruitfly control . Citrus canker erad- ication . Proviso. No indemnity for destroyed trees, etc . Sweet potato wee- vil control . Provisos . Sta te contri bution . No indemnity for destroyed, etc ., prop- erty . Phony peach, etc ., eradication. Proviso . No indemnity for destroyed trees, etc . Forest insects . Preventing infesta- tion, etc . 45 Stat. 701. 16U.S.C.°581c. Ornamental trees a nd shru bs. Proviso. State contributions. 75TH CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CH . 404-JUNE 29, 19 37 buildings outside the District of Columbia : Provided, That the cost for the construction of any building shall not exceed $1,500, and that the total amount expended for such construction in any one year shall not exceed $7,000, as follows General administrative expenses : For general administrative pur- poses, including the salary of Chief of Bureau and other personal services, $166,280 . Fruit insects : For insects affecting fruits, grap es, and nu ts, $428,600 . Japanese beetle control : For the control and prevention of spread of the Japanese beetle, $425,000 . Mexican fruitfly control : For the control and prevention of spread of the Mexican fruitfly, including necessary surveys and control operations in Mexico in cooperation with the Mexican Government or local Mexican authorities, $160,460 . Citrus canker eradication : For determining and applying such methods of eradication or control of the disease of citrus trees known as "citrus canker" as in the judgment of the Secretary of Agriculture may be necessary, including cooperation with such authorities of the States concerned, organizations of growers, or individuals, as he may deem necessary to accomplish such purposes, $13,485 : Provided, That no part of the money herein appropriated shall be used to pay the cost or value of trees or other property injured or destroyed . Sweet potato weevil control : For the determination and applica- tion of such methods of control for sweet potato weevils as, in the j udgme nt of the Secre tary of Agriculture, may be necessary, $75,000 to be immediately available : Provided, That, in the discre- tion of the Secretary of Agriculture, no part of this appropriation shall be expended for the control of sweet potato weevil in any State until such State has provided cooperation necessary to accomplish this p urpos e : Provided further, That no part of this appropriation shall be used to pay the cost or value of farm animals, farm crops, or other property injured or destroyed . Phony peach and peach mosaic eradication : For determining and applying such methods of eradication, control, and prevention of spread of the diseases of peach trees known as "phony peach" and "peach mosaic" as in the judgment of the Secretary of Agriculture may be necessary, including cooperation with such authorities of the States concerned, organizations of growers, or individuals, as he may deem necessary to accomplish such purposes, in clud ing the certificati on of produ cts out of the infeste d areas to m eet the req uire- ments of State quarantines, $89,800 : Provided, That no part of the money herein appropriated shall be used to pay the cost or value of trees or other property injured or destroyed . For est in sects : Fo r ins ects a ffect ing f orests and forest prod ucts, under section 4 of the Act approved May 22, 1928 (U . S . C ., title 16, sec. 581c), entitled "An Act to insure adequate supplies of timber and other forest products for the people of the United States, to pro- mote the fu ll use for timber growing and other purposes of forest lands in the United States, including farm wood lots and those aban- doned areas not suitable for agricultural production, and to secure the correlation and the most economical conduct of forest research i n the Depar tment of A gricul ture, throu gh re searc h in r efore statio n, timber rowing, protection, utilization, forest economics, and related subjects', and for insects affecting ornamental trees and shrubs, $253,100, of which $400 shall be immediately available : Pr ovid ed, That $40,000 of this amount shall only be available for expenditure when matc hed by Sta te funds .