Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/479

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454 Provisos . Fort Monroe, Va ., wharf, etc . 28 Stat . 212. Moffett Field, Sun- nyval e, Calif . Funds transferred . 49 Star. 1288, 1290 . Rentals for military attaches . Cons truction

re- stricted . Stabli ng rental . Hospitals . Construction,

re- pair, etc . Temporary hospi- tals, etc . Sign al Corps . Signal Service. Telegraph and tele- phone systems . Purchase, opera- tion, etc . Exceptions . 75Tu CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CH . 423-JULY 1, 1937 year 1938 : Provided, That the amounts to be assessed and collected by the Secretary of War for expenditure for maintenance purposes at Fort Monroe, Virginia, under the provisions of the Act of August 1, 1894 (28 Stat. 212), shall be $13,520 for wharf and $5,053 for roads and sewerage system : Provided further, That there is hereby transferred to the appropriation "Barracks and quarters, 1937", the sum of $112,000 from the appropriation "Air Corps, Army, 19 3 7 " , t o be applied to the installation of a water-supply system for Moffett Field, Sunnyvale, Cal ifornia, which amount shall remain available until June 30, 1938 : Provided further, That this appropriation shall be available for the rental of offices, garages, and stables for military attaches : Provided further, That no part of the funds herein appro- priated shall be available for construction of a permanent nature of an additional buildin g or an extension or addition to an existing building, the cost of which in any case exceeds $20,000 : Provided further, That the monthly rental rate to be paid out of this appro- priation for stabling any animal shall not exceed $15 . CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR OF HOSPITALS For const ructio n and repa ir of hospi tals a t mil itary posts alre ady established and occupied, including all expenditures for construction and repairs required at the Army and Navy Hospital at allot Springs, Arkansas, and for the construction and repair of general hospitals and expenses incident thereto, and for additions needed to meet the requirements of increased garrisons, and for temporary hospitals in standing camps and cantonments ; for the alteration of permanent buildings at posts for use as hospitals, construction and repair of temporary hospital bu ildings at permanent posts, construction and repair of temporary general hospitals, rental or purchase of grounds, and rental and alteration of buildings for use for hospital purposes in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, including necessary tem- porary quarters for h ospital personnel, outbuildings, heating and laundry apparatus, pl umbing, water and sewers, and electric work, cooking apparatus, and roads and walks for the same, $494,709. SIGNAL CORPS SIGNAL SERVICE OF THE AR MY Telegraph and telephone systems : P urcha se, eq uipme nt, o perati on, and repair of military telegraph, telephone, radio, cable, and signal- ing systems ; signal equipment and stores, heliographs, signal lan- terns, flags, and other necessary instruments ; wind vanes, barometers, anemometers, thermometers, and other meteorological instruments ; photographic and cinematographic work performed for the Army by the Signal Corps ; motorcycles, motor-driven and other vehicles f or tec hnica l and offic ial p urpose s in conne ction with the co nstru c- tion, operation, and maintenance of communication or signaling sys- t ems, a nd su pplies for their opera tion and m ainten ance ; pro fessional and scientific books of reference, pamphlets, periodicals, newspapers, and maps for use of the Signal Corps and in the office of the Chief S i g n a l O f fi c e r ; telephone apparatus, including rental and payment for commercial, excha nge, message, trunk-line, long-distance, and leased-line telephone service at or connecting any post, camp, canton- me nt, depot, a rsenal, hea dquarters, hospital, a viation sta tion, or ot her off ice o r stat ion o f the Army, exce pting the l ocal teleph one s ervice for the various bureaus of the War Department in the District of Columbia, and toll messages pertaining to the office of the Secretary of War ; ele ctr ic ti me ser vic e ; the rental of commercial telegraph