Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/518

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75TH CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CHS . 47 3, 474 -JULY 9, 193 7 The Commissioner, with the approval of the Commission and in cooperation with the Secretary of the Interior, may make provision for participation in the exposition by the Indian citizens of the United States. For this purpose the Commission may allot funds appropriate d under au thority of this join t resoluti on as may be nec- essary for the erection of buildings, the employment of supervisory and ot her per sonnel without regard to the civil- service laws and regulations and to f ix their salaries i n accordance with t he Classifica- tion Act of 1923, as amended, and for all other expenses incident thereto, as the Commi ssion shal l deem adv isable to be contrac ted for in that manner . SEC. 8. It shall be the duty of the Com mission to transmit to Con- gress, within six mo nths after the clos e of the world's fa ir, a detailed statement of all expenditures, and such other reports as may be deemed proper, which reports shall be prepared and arranged with a view to con cise state ment and c onvenient reference . U po n t he t ran s- missio n of su ch repo rt to C ongress the Co mmissio n estab lished by and all appointments made under the authority of this joint resolu- tion shall terminate . Approved, July 9, 1937 . [CHAPTER 4741 JOINT RESOLUTION Author izing Federal participat ion in the New York Wor ld's Fair 1939 . Whereas there is to be held in the city of New York during the year 193 9 a wor ld's f air and celebr ation c ommemor ating t he one hun- dre d and f iftiet h anniv ersary of the inaugur ation of the f irst President of the United States of America and of the establishment of the Federal Government in the city of New York; and 177 hereas the State and city of New York have provided a site and permanent public improvements adjacent to the site at an estimated cost of $18,000,000 and New York World's Fair 1939 Incor- porated proposes to make available for such world's fair through the sale of its debentures to the public or otherwise a sum not less than $25,000,000; and Whereas such world's fair and celebration are worthy and deserving of the support and encouragement of the United States; and the United States has aided and encouraged such world's fairs and celebrations in the past : Therefore be it Re solv ed by the Sena te and Hou se of R epre sen tati ves of the Uni ted States o f America in Congress assembled, That there is hereby estab- lished a Commission, to be known as the United States New York World's Fair Commission and to be composed of the Secretary of Agriculture, the Secretary of Commerce, the Secretary of Labor, three Members of the House to be a ppointe d by th e Speak er of the House of Representatives and three Members of the Senate to be appointed by the President of the Senate; which Commission shall serve wit hout addit ional comp ensation an d shall re present th e United States in connectio n with the holding of a world's fair and celebra- tion in the city of New York during the observance in the year 1939 of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the inauguration of the first President of the United States of America and of the estab- lishment of the Federal Government in the city of New York . SEC . 2 . There shall be a United States Commissioner for the New York World's Fair, who shall be appointed by the President, and who s hall re ceive c ompensa tion at the ra te of $ 10,000 per an num, and two Assistant Commission ers, not of the same political party for 493 Participation by In- dian citizens. Report to Congress . Termi nation of Commission . July 9, 1937 [H.J. Res.379] [Pub. Res., No.53] New York World's Fair 1939 . Preamble . Com mis sion es tab- lished . Name, composition, service, etc . United States Com- missioner, Assistants, and staff .