Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/520

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75TH CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION-CH . 474-JULY 9, 19 37 the department or branch concerned, make such disposition thereof as he may deem advisable and account therefor . SEC . 6 . The sum of $3,000,000 is hereby authorized to be appro- priated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropri- ated, for the purposes of this joint resolution, and shall remain available until expended ; except that, upon the termination of the Commission, any unexpended or unobligated balance shall be covered back into the Treasury of the United States . And, subject to the provisions of this joint resolution, the Commission is author- ized to erect such building or buildings, or other structures, for its own use, and such other buildings and structures as will further the trade and good will between the United States and the other nations of the world, and to provide for the landscaping of the site or sites thereof ; to rent such space without regard to the provisions of section 322 of the Act of June 30, 1932 (47 Stat . 412), as the Comm issio n may deem ade quate to c arry out effec tivel y th e provisions of this joint resolution ; to provide for the decoration of suc h buil dings or str ucture s, and for t he prop er mai ntenan ce of such buildings or structures, site, and grounds during the period deemed necessary by the Commission . The appropriation authorized by this joint resolution shall be available for the operation of the building or buildings, structure or structures, improvement or improvements, including light, heat, water, gas, janitor, and other required services ; for the rental of space in the District of Columbiaa or elsewhere ; for the selection, purchase, preparation, assembling, transportation, installation, arranging, safekeeping, exh ibitio n, dem onstra tion, and re turn o f such articl es and mater ials as the Commission may decide shall be included in such Govern- ment exhibit and in the exhibits of the New York World's Fair ; for the purchase of uniforms, for the compensation of said Com- mi ssione r, Ass istant Commi ssione rs, an d other offic ers an d empl oyees of the Commission in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, for the payment of salaries of officers and employees of the Government employed by or detailed for duty with the Commission, for actual traveling expenses, including travel by air, and for per diem in lieu of actual subsistence at not to exceed $5 per day : P rovid ed, That no Government official or employee detailed for duty with the Commission shall receive a salary in excess of the rate which he has been receiving in the department or branch where regularly employed ; for telephone service, purchase or rental of furniture and equipment, stationery and supplies, typewriting, adding, duplicating, and computing machines, their accessories and repairs, bo oks of refer ence a nd per iodica ls, ma ps, rep orts, docume nts, p lans, specifications, manuscripts, newspapers, and all other appropriate publications, and ice and drinking water for office purposes Provided further, That payment for telephone service, rents, sub- scriptions to newspapers and periodicals, and other similar purposes, may be made in advance ; for the purchase and hire of passenger- carrying automobiles, their maintenance, repair, and operation, for the official use of said Commissioner and Assistant Commissioners in the District of Columbia or elsewhere as required ; for printing and binding ; for entertainment of distinguished guests ; and for all other expenses as may be deemed necessary by the Commission to fulfill properly the purposes of this joint resolution . All pur- chases, expenditures, and disbursements of any moneys made avail- able by authority of this joint resolution shall be made under the direction of the Commission : Provided further, That the Commis- sion, w ithout relea se of respon sibili ty, as herein before stipu lated, 495 Ap pro pri ati on au- thorized. Post, p . 759. Building construc- tion, landscaping, etc . Rental of space . 47 Stat . 412. 40U.S.C.°40a. Decoration, main- tenance of buildings, etc . Authorized fu nds available for desig- nated expenses . Pro:4sos . Sal ary li mitatio n . Miscellaneous ex- penses . Advance payments . Printing and bind- ing. Supervision of pur- chases, etc. Delegation of pow- ers .