Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/541

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516 Proviso . Report to Congress . Insular Affairs Bu- reau . Philippine Islands. United States High Commis sioner' s offi ce . 48 Stat. 456. 48U.S.C.°1237(4). Sal ari es and ex- penses . Travel, etc . Vehicles. Household, etc ., ex- penses . Provisos . Legal adviser and financial expert . Minor purchases . R.S. °3709. 41I.S.C.°5. Engineer Corps. Rivers and h arbors . Availa bility . Maintenance of ex- isting works . Boundary, etc ., wa- ters, survey . New York harhor . California D6hris Commission . 27 Stat. 507. 33U .S.C .°661. Protection of Col- linsville, Ala . Removing naviga- tion o bstruct ions . Student officers at institutions . 75TH CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION-CH . 511-JULY 19, 19 37 been covered into the Treasury of the United States, and to remain available until the close of the fiscal year 1939 : Provided, That the Secretary of War shall report to Congress the extent and cost of any extensions and betterments which may be effected under this appropria tion . BURE AU OF IN SULA R AF FAIR S UNITED STATES HIG H COMMISSIONER TO THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS For the maintenance of the office of the United States High Commissioner to the Philippine Islands as authorized by subsection 4 of section 7 of the Act approved March 24, 1934 (48 Stat . 456), including salaries and wages ; rental, furnishings, equipment, main- tenance, renovation, and repair of office quarters and living quarters for the High Commissioner ; supplies and equipment ; purchase and exchange of law books and books of reference, periodicals, and newspapers ; traveling expenses, including for persons appointed here under within the United State s and their famil ies, a ctual expenses of travel and transportation of household effects from their homes in the United States to the Philippine Islands, utilizing Government vessels whenever practicable ; operation, maintenance, and repair of motor vehicles, and all other necessary expenses, $148,200, of which amount not exceeding $10,000 shall be available for expenditure in the discretion of the High Commissioner for maintenance of his household and such other purposes as he may deem proper : Provided, That the salary of the legal adviser and the financial expert shall not exceed the annual rate of $10,000 and $9,000 each, respectively : Provided fu rther, That section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (U. S . C., title 41, sec . 5), shall not apply to any purchase or service rendered under this appropriation when the aggregate amount involved does not exceed the sum of $100 . CORPS OF ENGINEERS RIVERS AND HARBORS To be immediat ely available and to be exp ended under t he direc- tion of the Secretary of War and the supervision of the Chief of Engineers, and to remain available until expended For the pres erva tion and mai nten ance of exis ting riv er a nd h arbo r works, and for the prosecution of such projects heretofore authorized as may be most desirabl e in the inte rests of comm erce and navig a- tion ; for survey of northern and northwestern lakes and other boundary and connecting waters as heretofore authorized, includ- ing the preparation, correction, printing, and issuing of charts and bulletins and the investigation of lake levels ; for prevention of obstructi ve and injurio us deposits w ithin the har bor and adjace nt wat ers of New Yor k Ci ty ; for exp enses of the C alifornia Deb ris Commissio n in carrying on the work a uthorized by the Act approv ed March 1, 1893 (U . S . C ., title 33, sec . 661) ; for such works, hereby authorized, as may be necessary for the protection of the town of Collinsville, Alabama ; for removing sunken vessels or craft obstructing or endangering navigation as authorized by law ; for operating and maintaining, keeping in repair, and continuing in use without interruption any lock, canal (except the Panama Canal), canalized river, or other public works for the use and benefit of navigation belonging to the United States ; for pay- ment annually of tuition fees of not to exceed thirty-five student offic ers of the Co rps of Enginee rs at civil t echnica l inst itution s under the provisions of section 127a of the National Defense Act, as