Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/543

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518 Projects authorized to be prosecuted . 49 Stat . 1572. Local contributions. Reser voir pro ject plans ; modification to increase storage . Return of excess con- tributions to States, etc . Mississippi Ri ver and tributaries . 45 Stat. 534; 49 Stat. 1505 . 33U.S.C.°702a; Supp. II, ° 702a-1 . Funds available. Division of expend- iture . Proviso. Allocation provi- sions waived . Ante, p . 352. 49 Stat.1570. 33U.S.C.,Supp. 11, °° 701a-f. Emergency fund for flood control . 49 Stat.1511. 38 U. S. C., Supp. II, ° 702g-1 . S acr amen to Rive r, Calif. 39 Stat. 949; 45 Stat . 33U.S.C.°704. 75TH CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CH . 511-JULY 19, 19 37 purchase of books and periodicals, printing and binding, rent in the District of Colum bia, the purchase (not to exceed $30,000) of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles and motorboats, and for other necessary expenses . The Act entitled "An Act authorizing the construction of certain public works on rivers and harbors for flood control, and for other purposes", approved June 22, 1936, is hereby amended by adding to the first paragraph of section 5, a proviso reading as follows "Provided further, That the Secretary of War is authorized to receive from States and political subdivisions thereof, such funds as may be contributed by them to be expended in connection with funds appropriated by the United States for any authorized flood control work whenever such work and expenditure may be considered by the Secretary of War, on recommendation of t he Chief of Engineers, as advantageous in the public interest, and the plans for any reservoir project may, in the discretion of the Se cretary of War, on recom- mendation of the Chief of Engineers, be modified to provide addi- tional storage capacity for domestic water supply or other conserva- tion storage, on condition that the cost of such increased storage capacity is contributed by local agencies and that the local agencies agree to utilize such additional storage capacity in a manner con- sistent with Federal uses and purposes : And provided further, That when contributions made by States and political subdivisions thereof, are in excess of the actual cost of the work contemplated and properly chargeable to such contributions, such excess contri- butions may, with the approval of the Secretary of War, be returned to the proper representatives of the contributing interests ." Flood control, Mississippi River and tributaries : For prosecuting wor k of flood contr ol in accor dance with the p rovis ions o f the Flood Control Act, approved May 15, 1928 (U . S . C., title 33, sec . 702a), as amended by the Flood Control Act approved June 15, 1936 (49 Stat. 1508), and for the purchase of motor-propelled passenger- carrying vehicles and motorboats, for official use, not to exceed $56,300, $22,500,000, and, in addition, $22,500,000 of the appropria- tion of $1,500,000,000 contained in the Emergency Relief Appro- pria tion Act of 1937 shal l be a vaila ble ex clusi vely for ca rryin g out the provisions of such Flood Control Act, approved May 15, 1928, as amended by such Flood Control Act, approved June 15, 1936, and of such additional amount, $7,500,000 shall be in augmentation of the foregoing appropriation of $22,500,000, and the remainder shall be expended under the direction of the Chief of Enineers subject to the provisions established in and in pursuance Of, su ch Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1937 not inconsistent here- with : Provided, That the requirement in section 1 of such Emer- gency Relief Appropriation Act of 1937 that no Federal construction project shall be undertaken unless and until there have been allo- cated and irrevocably set aside sufficient funds for its completion shall not apply to flood-control projects authorized by such Flood Control Act, approved June 22, 1936 . Emergency fund for flood control on tributaries of Mississippi River : For rescue work and for repair or maintenance of any flood- control work on any tributaries of the Mississippi River threatened or destroyed by flood, in accordance with section 9 of the Flood Con- trol Act, approved June 15, 1936 (49 Stat . 1508), $300,000 . Flood control, Sacramento River, California : For prosecutin g work of flood control in accordance with the provisions of the Flood Control Act approved March 1, 1917 (U . S. C ., title 33, sec . 703), as modified by the Flood Control Act approved May 15, 1928 (U . S . C ., title 33, sec . 704), including not to exceed $2,600 for the purchase of