Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/555

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530 Meetings . Dut ies . Resettlement proj- ects . Functions of Secre- tary continued . 49 Stat. 2035. 40U.S.C ., Supp . 11, ° 431-43 4. Proviso. Sale of land . General provisions applicable to sale . Rese rvati on by United States. Transferofavailable lands . Transact ions with corporations. 75TH CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION-CH . 517-JULY 22, 19 37 respect to more than five days in a month . In addition, they shall be all owed such amount s as the S ecreta ry ma y pres cribe for necess ary traveling and subsistence expenses . (c) The committee shall meet on the call of the county agent in the county, or on the call of such other person as the Secretary may design ate . Two members of the committee shall constitute a quorum . The Secretary shall prescribe rules governing the procedure of the committees, furnish forms and equipment necessary for the perform- ance of their duties, and authorize and provide for the compensation of such clerical assistants as he deems may be required by any c ommittee . (d) Committees established under this Act shall, in addition to the duties specifically imposed under this Act, perform such other duties under this Act as the Secretary may require of them . RESETTLEMENT PROJECTS SEC. 43. The Secretary is authorized to continue to perform such of the functions vested in him pursuant to Executive Order Numbered 7530 of December 31, 1936, as amended by Executive Order Num- bered 7557 of February 19, 1937, and pursuant to Public Act Num- bered 845, approved June 29, .1936 (49 Stat . 2035), as shall be neces- sary only for the completion and administration of those resettlement projects, rural rehabilitation projects for resettlement purposes and land development and land utilization projects, for which funds have been allotted by the President, and the balances of funds avail- able to the Secretary for said purposes which are unexpended on June 30, 1937, are authorized to be appropriated to carry out said purposes : P rov ided , That any land held by the United States under the supervision of the Secretary pursuant to said Executive orders may where suitable be utilized for the purposes of title I of this Act, and the Secretary may sell said land and make loans for the necessary imp rovement thereof to such ind ividuals a nd upon su ch terms as sha ll be in ac cordance wi th the provi sions of sa id title . GENERAL PROVI SIONS APPLIC ABLE TO SALE SEC. 44. The sale or other disposition of any real property acquired by th e Secretary pursuant t o the provi sions of thi s Act, or a ny interest therein, shall be subject to the reservation by the Secretary on behalf of the United States of not less than an undivided three-fourths of the inte rest of the Unit ed St ates i n all coal, oil, gas, and other minerals in or under such property . TRANSFER OF AVAILABLE LANDS SEC. 45 . The President may at any time in his discretion transfer to the Secretary or the Corporation any right, interest, or title held by the United States, and under the supervision of the Secretary, in any land which the P resid ent s hall f ind s uitab le for the purpos es of this Act, and the Secretary or the Corporation, as the case may be, may use and dispose of such land in such manner, and subject to such terms and conditions, as the President determines will best carry out the objectives of this Act . TRANSACTIONS WITH CORPORATIONS SEC . 46 . Nothing in this Act shall be construed to authorize the making of any loan, or the sale or other disposition of real property or any interest therein, to any private corporation, for farming purposes .