Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/570

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75TH CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION-CHS . 537, 538-JULY 30, 1937 (d) One submarine tender of about nine thousand tons

(e) One fleet tug of about one thousand one hundred and fifty tons - and (f~ One oiler of about eight thousand tons . SEC. 2. Not less than 50 per centum of the vessels herein author- ized, a llocated o n an appro ximate ton nage basis , includin g such por- tions thereof as are customarily manufactured in Government plants, shall be constructed or manufactured in Government navy yards, naval stations, naval gun factories naval ordnance plants, or arsenals of the United States : Provided, hat the President may, however, should the public interests in his judgment so repire, have the vesse ls buil t in G overnme nt or p rivate yards n otwiths tanding the allocation otherwise imposed : Provided further, That the provisions of section 3 of the Act entitled "An Act to establish the composi- tion of the United States Navy w ith res pect to the ca tegorie s of vessels limited by the treaties signed at Washington, February 6, 1922, and at Londo n, Apri l 22, 1 930, at the li mits pr escribe d by those treaties ; to authorize the construction of certain naval vessels ; and for other purposes", approved March 27, 1934 (48 Stat . 505 ; U . S . C ., title 34, sec . 496), as amended, are hereby made applicable to contracts for the construction of the vessels or any portion thereof herein aut horized . SEC . 3 . Any bid for the construction on the Pacific coast of any of the v essels aut horized by this Act s hall have a differen tial of 6 per centum in its favor which shall be considered by the Secretary of the Navy in awarding contracts for the construction of said vessels . Approved, July 30, 1937 . (CHAPTER 5381 AN ACT To authorize the conveyance by the United States to the State of Wisconsin of a port ion of the Twi n River Point Lighth ouse Re servati on, and for ot her pur poses . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States of America in Congress assembled, That su bject t o the conditions hereinafter specified, the Secretary of Commerce is authorized to convey to the State of Wisconsin for State park pur- poses all the right, title, an d interest of the Un ited State s in and to that portion of the Twin River Point Lighthouse Reservation Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, which is not required to be retained for lighthouse purposes . The Secretary of Commerce shall describe by metes and bounds in the deed of conveyance the exact portion of s uch reserv ation tran sferred . SEC . 2 . Such conveyance shall contain the express condition that if the State of Wisconsin shall at any time cease to use the property as a State park for public recreation, or shall alienate or attempt to alienate such prop erty, title thereto shall revert to th e United States . SEC . 3 . The United States reserves the right to resume ownership, possess ion, an d contr ol for Govern ment pu rposes, of any proper ty conveyed under authority of this Act, at any time and without the consent of the State of Wisconsin . SEC . 4. The Secretary of Commerce is also authorized, in his dis- cretion, to lease to the State of Wisconsin for a period of twenty-five years that portion of the Twin River Point Lighthouse Reservation not conveyed by him under authority of this Act . Such lease shall be subject to revocation at any time by the Secretary of Commerce . Approved, July 30, 1937 . 125151§-37 -35 Ra tio of constru c- tion in Government yards, etc . Precise,. Changes allowed in public interests . Contract provisions . 48 Stat. 505. 34U.S.C.°496. Con str uct ion on Pacific coast, differen- tial . July 30, 1937 [H. R. 1961] [Public, No . 227] Twin River Point Light house Re serva- tion, Wis . Conveyance of por- tion to State author- ized . Description . eversionary vi R sion. Rights reserved . 545 pr o- Lease of other sec- tion .