Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/603

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578 Colorado River Res- ervation, Ariz . Maintenance, etc ., of system . 36 Stat. 273 . Reimbursable . 48 Stat. 1227 . 31U.S.C.°725e. San Carlos Reserva- tion, Ariz. Operation, etc ., of pumping plants . Proviso . Reim burseme nt. Yuma Reservation, Calif: Ariz . Reclamation, etc ., charges . For t Rall system, Idaho . Maintenance, etc . Fort Belkna p Res- ervation, Mont. Maintenance, etc., of system . Limita tion . Fort P eck pr oject, Mont. Maintenance, etc. Limita tion. Flathead Reserva- tio n, Mont . Mai nte nanc e, etc . Crow R eservat ion, Mont . Mai nte nanc e, etc . N ewland s proje ct, Nev . Payment of charges against Paiute lands . 7 5TH CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CH . 570-AUGUST 9, 1937 For improvement, operation, and maintenance of the pumping plants and i rrigation sys tem on the C olorado River Indian Reser - vation, Arizona, as provided in the Act of April 4, 1910 (36 Stat., p . 273), $17,000, reimbursable, together with $20,000, from which amount expenditures shall not exceed the aggregate receipts covered into the Treasury in accordance with section 4 of the Permanent A ppropriation Repeal Act, 1934 . Operation and maintenance, pumping plants, San Carlos Reser- vation, Arizona (tribal funds) : For the operation and maintenance of pumping plants for the irrigation of lands on the San Carlos Reservation, in Arizona, $5,000, to be paid from the funds held by the United States in trust for the Indians of such reservation


vided, That the sum so used shall be reimbursed to the tribe by the Indians benefited, under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe . F or reclamati on and mainte nance charges on Indian l ands within the Yuma Reservation, California, and on ten acres within each of the eleven Yuma homestead entries in Arizona under the Yuma recla- m atio n p roje ct, $53, 338, re imbu rsab le, tog ethe r with $3,000, from which amount expenditures shall not exceed the aggregate receipts covered into the Treasury in accordance with section 4 of the Per- manent Appropriation Repeal Act, 1934 . For improvements, maintenance, and operation of the Fort Hall irrigation system, Idaho, $23,000, together with $25,000, from which amount expenditures shall not exceed the aggregate receipts covered into the Treasury in accordance with section 4 of the Permanent Appropriation Repeal Act, 1934 . F or maintenan ce and operat ion, repairs, and purchas e of stored waters, irrigation systems, Fort Belknap Reservation, Montana, $1 4,800, reimb ursabl e, tog ether with $ 4,200 f rom wh ich am ount expenditures shall not exceed the aggregate receipts covered into the Treasury in accordance with section 4 of the Permanent Appropria- tion Repeal Act, 1934. Fo r maintenance and operati on of the sev eral units of the Fort Peck project, Montana, including not to exceed four thousand acres under the West Side Canal of the Poplar River Division, $7,000, reimbursable, together with $3,000 from which amount expenditures shall not exceed the aggregate receipts covered into the Treasury in accordance with section 4 of the Permanent Appropriation Repeal Act, 1934. For operation an d maintenance of the irri gation system s on the Fl athe ad Rese rvat ion, Mo ntan a, $ 12,0 00, rei mbur sabl e, t oge ther wit h $90,000 (operation and maintenance collections) and $45,000 (powe r revenues), from which amounts of $90,000 and $45,000, respectively, expenditures shall not exceed the aggregate receipts covered into the Treasury in accordance with section 4 of the Permanent Appropria- tion Repeal Act, 1934 ; in all, $147,000 . For improvement, maintenance, and operation of the irrigation systems on the Crow Reservation, Montana, including maintenance assessments payable to the Two Leggins Water Users' Association and Bozeman Trail Ditch Company, Montana, properly assessable against lands allotted to the Indians and irrigable thereunder, $5,000, reim- bursable, together with $35,000 from which amount expenditures shall not exceed the aggregate receipts covered into the Treasury in accordance with section 4 of the Permanent Appropriation Repeal Act, 1934 . For payment of annual installment of reclamation charges against Paiute Indian lands within the Newlands reclamation project, Nevada, $5,381 ; and for payment in advance, as provided by district law, of operation and maintenance assessments, including assessments