Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/616

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591 of June 22, 1855), $3,000; for permanent annuity for support for light hors emen (article 1 3, treaty of O ctober 18, 1820, and article 1 3, treaty of June 22, 1855), $ 600; for permanen t annui ty for s upport of blacksmith (article 6, treaty of October 18, 1820, and article 9, treaty of January 20, 1825, and article 13, treaty of June 22, 1855), $600; for permanent annuity for education (article 2, treaty of Jan- uary 20, 1825, and article 13, treaty of June 22, 1855), $6,000; for permanent annuity for iron and steel (article 9, treaty of January 20 ) 1825, and article 13, treaty of June 22, 1855), $320; in all, $10,520 . For fulfilling treaties with Pawnees, Oklahoma : For p erman ent Parse7zOl a'stat. annuity (art icle 2, treaty of September 2 4, 1857, and a rticle 3, agree - 64 4. went of November 23, 1892), $30,000 . For payment of Sioux benefits to Indians of the Sioux reserva- rese v ansnso f Sio ux tions, as authorized by the Act of March 2, 1889 (25 Stat ., p. 895), 25stat .ss5 . as amended, $150,000 . The une xpended balanc es of ap propria tions ma de for the bene fit peS w a t C oix Chip- of the Saint Croix Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin by the Act of 41 scat. 433; 49 Stat. February 14, 1920 (41 Stat ., p . 433), and subsequent Acts, and made 17110 . availabl e by the I nterior De partment A ppropriati on Act, fi scal year 1937, fo r the purc hase of ma terial for the repai r of homes, for the care of aged and indigent Indians of this band, and for other neces- sary purposes for their bene fit, are hereb y continued ava ilable for the same purposes until expended . The Sec retary of the I nterior is here by autho rized t o withdr aw M en ominee India ns in Wisconsin . from the Treasury of the United States $105,000 of any funds on Per capita pay- deposit t o the cred it of the Menominee Indians in Wisconsin (except meats . the Menominee Log Funds), and to expend said sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for a per-capita payment of $50 to each enrolled member of the Menominee Tribe : Provided, That such pay- Payments os. inlieu of ment shall be in lieu of the payment authorized by the Act of June previously authorized 15, 1934 (48 Stat ., p . 964), for the fair market stumpage value of payment timber cut on the Menominee Reservation during the fiscal year 1937 Pro vid ed fur th er, That in the discretion of t he Secretary of the Inte- Installments . rior the payment herein authorized may be made in two installments . For payment of interest on moneys held in trust for the several funa5erest on trust Indian tribes, as authorized by various Acts of Congress, $500,000 . Appropriations herein made for the support of Indians and admin- Central garages, etc . istration of Indian property, the support of schools, including non- reservation boarding schools and for conservation of health among Indians shall be available for the maintenance and operation of central ga rages and shops, inc luding the purchase of parts and sup, plies, and such appropriations may be reimbursed for services ren- dered or supplies furnished by such garages or shops to any activity of the Indian Service . When, in the judgment of the Secretary of the Interior, it is neces-ployeesField service em . . s ary for accompl ishment of the purpose s of app ropriat ions her ein Funds for, available made for the Indian field service, such appropriations shall be avail- for supplies . able for purchase of ice, for rubber boots for use of employees, for travel expenses of employees on official business, and for the cost of packing, crating, drayage, and transportation of personal effects of employees upon permanent change of station . The appropriations for education of natives of Alaska and medical new appointees pe e t c n relief in Alaska shall be available for the payment of traveling ex- penses of new appointees from Seattle, Washington, to their posts of duty in Alaska, and of traveling expenses, packing, crating, and tr ansportati on (includ ing drayag e) of pers onal effec ts of emp loyees upon permanent change of station within Alaska, under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior .