Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/627

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602 Statistical inquiries. Services in the Dis- trict . Heli um produ ction and investiga tions . Ante, pp. 111, 4.56. Gas production for helium plants . Proviso . Lim itat ion on ex- penditures . 48 Stat.1227. Scientific investiga- tions for departments, etc . Transfer of sums . Proviso . Expenditure . Minor purchases without advertising . R.S.°3709. 41[T.S.C.°5. Traveling expenses ; attendan ce at me et- ings, etc . 7 5TH CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION-CH . 570-AUGUST 9, 1937 c ommodities and primary products thereof ; p rep arat ion of the r epo rts of the mine ral res our ces of the Uni ted Sta tes, in clud ing special statistical inquiries ; and including personal services in the D istrict of Columbia and elsew here ; purchase of furnit ure and equipment ; stationery and supplies ; typewriting, adding and com- puting machines, accessories and repairs ; newspapers ; traveling expenses ; purchase, not exceeding $1,200 exchange as part payment for, operation, maintenance, and repair of motor-propelled passenger- carrying vehicles for official use in field work ; and for all other ne cessa ry exp enses not includ ed in the forego ing, $300,0 00, o f whi ch amount not to exceed $225,000 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia ; Helium production and investigations : The sums made available for the fiscal year 1938 in the Acts making appropriations for the War and Navy Departments for the acquisition of helium from the Bure au of Mine s shall b e transfer red to the Bureau o f Mines on July 1, 1937, for operation and maintenance of th e plants for the production of helium for military and naval purposes, including laboratory gloves, goggles, rubber boots, and aprons ; purchase ; not to exceed $2,500, and exchange as part payment for, maintenance, ope ratio n, an d repa ir of moto r-prop elled passe nger- carry ing ve hicle s for official use in field work, and all other necessary expenses, and inc ludin g $11 ,300 f or pe rsona l serv ices in the Dist rict of Col umbia ; G as prod uct ion for hel ium pla nts : For production of natural gas for helium plants, including construction, repair, maintenance, and operation of wells, pipe lines, and other facilities therefor, and in- cluding purchase, not to exceed $750, and exchange as part payment for, maintenance, operation, and repair of motor-propelled passen- ger-carrying vehicles for official use in field work, $12,000 : Provided, That expenditures hereunder shall not exceed the aggregate receipts covered into the Treasury in accordance with section 4 of the Per- manent Appropriation Repeal Act, 1934 ; Du ring the fiscal year 1938 the head of any department or inde- penden t establi shment of the Gover nment havi ng funds a vailable for scientific investigations and requiring cooperative work by the Bur eau of Mine s on s cient ific invest igati ons w ithin the s cope o f the functions of that Bureau and which it is unable to perform within the limits of its appropriations may, with the approval of the Secre- tary of the Interior, transfer to the Bureau of Mines such sums as may be necessary to carry on such investigations . The Secretary of the Treasury shall transfer on the books of the Treasury Depart- ment any sums which may be authorized hereunder, and such amounts shall be placed to the credit of the Bureau of Mines for the performance of work for the department or establishment from which the transfer is made : Provided, That any sums transferred by any department or independent establishment of the Government to the Bureau of Mines for cooperative work in connection with this appropriation may be expended in the same manner as sums appro- priated herein may be expended ; The purchase of supplie s and equ ipment or the procu rement of services for the Bureau of Mines, at the seat of government, as well as in the field outside of the District of Columbia, may be made in open market without compliance with section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (U . S . C ., title 41, sec . 5) of the United States, in the manner common among business men, when the aggregate amount of the pur- chase or the service does not exceed $100 in any instance ; For necessary traveling expenses of the director and employees of the Bu reau, actin g und er hi s dire ction , for atten dance upon meeti ngs of technical, professional, and scientific societies, when required in