Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/639

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614 Equatorial and South Sea Islands . Administrative ex- penses . R.S.°3709. 41 U.S. Q.°5. 75Ta CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CH . 570-AUGUST 9, 19 37 such loans, is hereby made available for administrative expenses during the fiscal year 1938 . EQUATORIAL AND SOUTH SEA ISLANDS For administrative expenses of the Division of Territories and Island Possessions, in carrying out the provisions of Executive Order Numbered 7368, approved May 13, 1936, relating to certain islands of the United States situate in the Pacific Ocean, namely, Jarvis, Baker, and Howland Islands, including personal services outside the District of Columbia (such employment to be by contract, if deemed necessary, without regard to the provisions of section 3709 of the Revised Statutes), rent, traveling expenses, purchase of neces- sary books, documents, newspapers and periodicals stationery, hire of automobiles, purchase of equipment, supplies and provisions, and all other necessary expenses, $30,000 . Hoseal. Elizabeths

SAINT ELIZABETHS H OSPITAL Maintena nce, etc . For support, clothing, and treatment in Saint Elizabeths Hospital for the Insane of insane persons from the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard, insane inmates of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, persons charged with or convicted of crimes against the United States who are insane, all persons who have become insane since their entry into the military and naval service of the United States, insane civilians in the quartermaster service of the Army, insane persons transferred from the Canal Zone who have been admitted to the hospital and who are indigent, insane citizens in American citizens legally adjudged insane in the Dominion of Canada Canada . whose l egal residen ce in one o f the State s, Territor ies, or the District of Columbia it has been impossible to establish, insane beneficiaries of the United States Employees' Compensation Commission, insane ben efic iar ies of the Unit ed Stat es Vete ran s' A dmi nist rat ion, and vehicles . insane Indian beneficiaries of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, including not exce eding $27, 000 for t he purchas e, exchan ge, mainte nance, repai r, an d ope ration of m otor-p ropel led p asseng er-ca rryin g vehi cles for the use of the superintendent, purchasing agent, and general Repairs and im- hospital business, and including not to exceed $185,000 fo r rep airs provements . and impr ovements t o buildin gs and gro unds, $1,149,750, including coope ratio n wit h orga nizat ions o r ind ividu als in scie ntifi c rese arch into the nature, causes, prevention, and treatment of mental illness, and including maintenance and operation of necessary facilities for feeding employees and others (at not less than cost), and the pro- Removal ofpatients ceeds therefrom shall reimburse the appropriation for the institution ; to their friends. and not exceeding $1,500 of this sum may be expended in the removal of patients to their friends ; not exceeding $1,500 in the purchase of such books, periodicals, and newspapers as may be required for the purposes of the hospital and for the medical library, and not exceed- ing $1,500 for the actual and necessary expenses incurred in the Provisos .

apprehension and return to the hospital of escaped patients : Pr o - Returning inmates veiled That so much of this sum as in be requ ire d shall be available no longer Federal y q charges . for all necessary expenses in ascertaining the residence of inmates who are not or who cease to be properly chargeable to Federal maintenance in the institution and in returning them to such places Mail facilities .

of r e s i d e n c e : Provided fu rther, That not exceeding $200 additional may be paid to two employees to provide mail facilities for patients Butter substitutes, in the hospital : Provided further, That no part of this appropriation restriction . shall be expended for the purchase of oleomargarine or butter substi- trPatuts of the Dis- tutes except for cooking purposes : Provided further, That during the fiscal year 1938 the District of Columbia, or any branch of the Gov-