Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/649

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75Th CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CHS . 592-594--AUGUST 12, 19 37 therefrom shall be maintained by such city in a separate fund, which shall be used exclusively for the maintenance, development,, and policing of such island : Provided further, That this Act shall become effective only after the city of Chamberlain makes regulatory provi- sion to carry out the terms of the Act a nd after such regulations have been certified to the Secretary of the Interior . Approved, August 12, 1937 . Re gula tor y provi- sions . [CHAPTER 59 3] A ugust 12, 1937 AN ACT is .1935] To authorize and direct the Comptroller General of the United States to allow [Public, No . 262]

credit for all outstanding disallowances and suspensions in the accounts of disbur sing officers or agents of the Government for p ayments made pursuant to certain adjustments and increases in compensation of Government officers and employees . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That notwithstand- ing any provisions of section 7 of the Act of March 3, 1933, as amended and exten ded, t he Co mptro ller G enera l of t he Un ited States is h ereby authorized and directed to allow credit for all outstanding disallow- ances and suspensions in the accounts of any disbursing officer or agent for payments made pursuant to adjustments and increases in compensation of officers and employees of any executive department, indep enden t est ablish ment, or ot her a gency of th e Uni ted S tates made or granted during or for the fiscal years ended June 30, 1934, and June 30, 1935, pursuant to the provisions of Executive Order Num- ber ed 6 746 of Jun e 21, 193 4, and Executive order s which that order superseded, in all cases in which the compensation of such officers or employees was paid out of emergency appropriations; and no amounts so paid an d not her etofore re covered s hall be ch arged against the payees on account of said payments . Approved, August 12, 1937 . Gov ern ment di s- bur sing off icer s, etc. Credit for certain payments made by, during fis cal years 1934 and 1935. 47 Stat. 1515. Release of accounta. bility . August 12, 1937 [H. R.169] [Public, No. 263] Judicial Code, amendment . 36 Stat. 1110 . 28U.S.0 . ° 152 . Illinois judicial dis- tricts . Northern district . Terms . off ices . [CHAPTER 594] AN ACT To provide for a term of court at Benton, Illinois . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United St ates of Am erica in C ongress a ss em bl ed, That section 7 9 of the Judicial Code (U . S . C ., 1934 edition, title 28, sec. 152) is amended to read as follows "The State of Illinois is divided into three districts, to be known as the northern, southern, and eastern districts of Illinois . The northern di strict shall include the territory embraced on the 1st day of July 191 0 in the counties of Cook, De Kalb, Du Page, Grundy, Kane, Kendall, Lake, La Salle, McHenry, and Will, which shall constitute the eastern division; also the territory em- braced on the date last mentioned in the counties of Boo ne, C arrol l, Jo Daviess, Lee, Ogle, Stephenson, Whiteside, and Winnebago, which shall constitute the western division . Terms of the district court for the eastern division shall be held at Chicago on the first Mond ays in Feb ruary, Ma rch, April , May, Jun e, July, September, October, and November, and the third Monday in December; and for the western division, at Freeport on the third Mondays in April and October . The clerk of the court for the northern district shall maintain an office in charge of himself or a deputy at Chicago and