Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/656

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75TH CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CHS . 6 03 -605-AUGUST 12, 1937 [CHAPTER 603] AN ACT To advance a program of national safety and accident prevention . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Uni ted St ates of Americ a in C ongress assemb led, That there is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $35,000 to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of Commerce for the fur thera nce of. the work of the Accident Prevention Conference . Money appropriated pursuant to this Act shall be available upon vouchers approved by the Secretary of Commerce for fostering acc ident -pre venti on wo rk o n the part of organ izati ons e ngag ed in the promotion of safety and accident prevention ; preparation and printing of material designed to enlighten the general public in matters of safety and accident prevention, such material to be disseminated through schools, newspapers, magazines, the radio, or any other means of intercourse or communication ; the prepara- tion and attempts to obtain enactment of uniform vehicle regula- tions in the several States ; clerical assistants for the members of the General Committee of the Accident Prevention Conference Pr ovid ed, That travel expenses incurred by members of the Gen- era l Com mitt ee of the Acci dent Preve ntio n Con feren ce in the fur- therance of the work of the said Conference shall be paid out of the am ount app ropr iate d . Approve d, Augu st 12, 1937 . [CHAPTER 604] [CHAPTER 605] AN ACT To extend the times for commencing and completing the construction of a bridge across the Saint Lawrence River at or near Ogdensburg, New York . Be it enacted by the Senate and Hou se o f Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the times for commencing and completing the construction of a bridge across the Saint Lawrence River at or near Ogdensburg, New York, author- ized to be built by the Saint Lawrence Bridge Commission and its Proviso. Travel expenses . August 12, 1937 [H. R. 7514] [Public, No . 2741 631 August 12, 1937 [H. R . 7433] [Public, No . 2721 National safety and accident prevention . Appropriation au- tborized for furthering work of conference on . Post, p . 762. AN ACT August 12, 1937 To extend the times for commencing and completing the construction of a bridge [H . R . 7440] across the Mississippi River between New Orleans and Gretna, Louisiana .

[Public, No . 273] Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the times for commencing and completing the construction of a bridge across the Miss issip pi Ri ver betwe en Ne w Orl eans and Gretn a, L ouisi ana, authorized to be built by George A . Hero and Allen S . Hackett, their successors and assigns, by Act of Congress approved March 2, 1927, heretofore extended by Acts of Congress approved March 6, 1928, February 19, 1929, June 10, 1930, March 1, 1933, March 5, 1934, June 4, 1935, and June 20, 1936, are hereby further extended one and three years, respectively, from June 20, 1937 : Provided, That the State of Louisiana, or any agency or authority created by it, may construct the b ridge herein autho rized . SEC . 2 . The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expre ssly r eserve d . Approved, August 12, 1937 . Mississippi River . Time extended for bridging, between New Orleans and Gretna, La . 44 Stat. 1270 ; 45 Stat . 19 3, 1229 ; 46 Stat. 551; 47 Stat. 1415 ; 48 Stat. 396


Stat . 321, 1542 . Proaso . Construction by State, etc., permitted . Amendment . Saint Lawrence River . Time extended for bridging, at Ogdens- burg, N.Y.