Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/677

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7 5TH CONGRESS, 1ST SESSI ON-CHS . 655 , 656-AU GUST 16, 1937 Reversionary provi- sion . the right, title, and interest of the United States in and to the two parcels of land (together with all improvements thereon) constitut- ing the Hunting Island Lighthouse Reservation, situated on the island known as Hunting Island, in the county of Beaufort, South Carolina . Such conveyance shall contain the express condition that if the county of Beaufort, South Carolina, shall at any time cease to use the property as a public park for public recreation or as a gam e sanctuary, or both, or s hall alienate or attempt to alienate such property in any manner other than that authorized by section 1 of the joint resolution of the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, approved June 2, 1936, authorizing the development of Hunting Island, title thereto shall revert to the United States . Approved, August 16, 1937 . [CHAPTER 656 ] August 16, 1937

AN ACT [H. R.5&59]

Authorizing the Territory of Alaska to transfer a certain tract of land to Sitka [Public, No. 301]

Cold Storage Company, a corporation . Be it ena cted by the Se nate and Hous e of Represen tatives of the Sitka Cold storage United States o f America in Congress assembled, Tha t the Territo ry Com pany . conveyance of cer- of Alaska, through the Governor of Alaska, is hereby authorized ized, land to, author- ized . t o trans fer and conve y to the Sitka Cold Storage Company, a c orpo- ration organized and existing under the laws of the Territory of Alaska, that certain portion of the land granted to the Territory by the provisions of Public Law Numbered 134, Seventy-third Congress, 48Star . 502.

approved March 27, 1934 (48 Stat . 502), entitled "An Act granting abandoned public buildings and grounds at Sitka, Alaska, to the Reservation of min- Territory of Alaska, and for other purposes", subject to the reser- erals, etc . vation of all oil, coal, or other minerals in the land, and the right to prospect for, mine, and remove the same contained in said Act of March 27, 1934, said portion of the land described in said Act of March 27, 1934, being described as follows, to wit : Description .

Beginning at corner numbered 1, identical with corner numbered 1 Uni ted States Fo rest Service r eserve, and a lso with corn er num- bered 4, United St ates reserve f or public com mon, as shown on the plat of Sitka Townsite, Alaska, United States survey numbered 1474, tract A, from which point USRLM numbered 1, established in con- nection with the Sitka Townsite United States survey numbered 1474, marked by a cross "x" and "USRLM No . I" chiseled on a large bedro ck face in th e Indian schoo lyard, bears north eleven degrees two minutes east two hundred and ninety-three and eight-tenths feet distant, and the southeast corner of the Sitka Cold Storage Com- pany building A bears north twenty-nine degrees thirty-five minutes west three and five-tenths feet, thence north 1 degree four minutes west four and two-tenths feet to corner numbered 2 on the west-side line of an unnamed street, called hereinafter "Waterfront Street", from which corner the southeast corner of sai d Sitka Cold Storage Compa ny building A bears south e xactly sixty degrees west one and five-tenths feet, thence north twenty-nine degrees thirty-five minutes west exactly ninety feet along the west-side line of said Waterfront Street and parallel to and one and five-tenths feet : east therefrom the east end of said Sitka Cold Storage Company building A to corner numbered 3 from which corner the northeast corner of said building bears south exactly sixty degrees west one and five-tenths feet distant, thence north thirty-eight degrees fifty-one minutes west fifty and twenty-two one-hundredths feet along the west-side line of