Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/685

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660 World war veter- ans . Payment of co m- pen sat ion children of . 48 Stat. 1281 ; 49 Stat . 2031 . 38U.S.0.°°503- 507;Supp.II,° 508 teNot denied if ver- an was entitled to 20 per cent d isabil ity pay, etc . [CHAPTER 65 9] AN ACT August 16, 1937 [H. R.6384]

To liberalize the provisions of existing laws governing service-connected benefits [Public, No . 304]

fo r World Wa r veterans and their dependent s, and for other pur poses. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f A merica in Co ngress assemb led, Tha t not with stand - ing the provisions of Public Law Numbered 484, Seventy-third Congress, June 28, 1934 (U . S . C ., 1934 edition, title 38, sets . 503-507), as amended by section 1, Public Jaw Numbered 844, Seventy-fourth Congress, June 29, 1936 (U . S . C ., title 38, sec . 508), in no event shall the widow, child, or children otherwise entitled to compensa- tion under the provisions of that Act be denied such compensation if the veter an's deat h resulte d from a disease o r disabil ity not s ervice connected, and at the time of the veteran's death he was receiving or entitled to receive compensation, pension, or retirement pay for 20 per centum disability or more presumptively or directly incurred Provisos . in or aggravated by service in the World War : Provided, That a widow shall not be entitled to compensation under this section unless a child was born of her marriage to the veteran : Provided further, That except as provided in section 6 of this Act, compensation authorized by this section shall not be payable effective prior to the receipt of application therefor in the Veterans' Administration in such form as the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs may prescribe, but in no event shall compensation herein authorized be effective prior to the date of enactment of this Act . SEC. 2. That section 4 of Public Law Numbered 484, Seventy-third C, June 28, 1934 (48 Stat. 1282 ; U. S. C., title 38, sec. 506), is= amended to read as follows : "That for the purpose of awarding compensation under the pro- visions of this Act, as amended, service connection of disability and degree thereof at date of death may be determined in any case where claim has been or is filed by the widow, child, or children of a deceased World War veteran, except that proof of 20 per centum disability or more at date of death and evidence as to service con- nect ion mu st be filed no lat er tha n three years after date of ena ct- ment of this Act, or the date of death, whichever is the later, and evidence required in connection with any claim must be submitted in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs ." SEC . 3 . That effective on the first day of the month next following the date of enactment of this Act, the rates of death compensation payable under the provisions of existing laws or veterans' regulations to a surviv ing wi dow, c hild, or chi ldren, and/or depen dent m other or father now on the rolls or hereafter to be placed on the rolls as a surviving widow, child, or children, and/or dependent mother or father of any World War veteran who died as the result of injury or disea se incurr ed in or aggravate d by act ive milit ary or na val servi ce in the World War, shall be as follows Widow, age under fifty years, $30 ; widow, age fifty to sixty-five years, $37.50 ; widow, age sixty-five years or over, $45 ; widow with one child, $10 additional for such child up to ten years of age, increased to $15 from age ten (with $8 for each additional child up to ten years of age, increased to $13 from age ten) (subject to appor- tionment regulations) ; no widow but one child, $20 ; no widow but two children, $33 (equally divided)

no widow but three children, $46 (equa lly d ivide d) ; (with $8 for each additional child ; total amount to be equally divided)

dependent mother or father, $45 (or

both) $25 each . As to the widow, child, or children, the total com- pensation payable under this paragraph shall not exceed $75 . The Con dit ion . Begi nning of pay - ments . 48 Stat. 1282. 38U.S.C.°506. Evidence and ad- judication of claims . Rates of death com- pensation . Maximum compen- sation . 75TH CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION-CH. 65 9-AUGUST 16, 1937