Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/702

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75TH CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION-CH. 694- AUG UST 17, 193 7 677 States entirely to the cre dit of the District of Columbi a, and shal l be appropriated and used solely and exclusively for the following purp oses "( 1) F or the con struction, reconstru ction, imp rovement, and main- Highway, etc . . con e tenance of public highways, including the necessary administrative struction . expenses in connection therewith ; "(2) For the expenses of the office of the director of vehicles and pe Traf fic bure au, ex . traffic incid ent to the regulati on and control of tr affic and the admin - istration of the same ; and "(3 Fo r the expe nses neces sarily invo lved in th e police c ontrol, con Ex trol, etcp enses of pol ice . regulation, and administration of traffic upon the highways : Pro- Proviso. Expenditure lim- vided, however, That t he total a mount to b e expended under thi s item ited . shall not exceed 15 per centum of the total amount appropriated for pay and allowances of officers and members of the Metropolitan Police force . For the fiscal year 1938 all moneys appropriated for year -ount for fiscal the construction, reconstruction, improvement, and maintenance of highways and administrative expenses in connection therewith, all moneys appropriated for the department of vehicles and traffic, and 15 per centum of all moneys appropriated for pay and allow- ances of officer s and memb ers of the Metropoli tan Police force shal l be pa id from and ch argeabl e again st the fund h ereby c reated ." SEC . 2 . (A) Subsection (c) of section 2 of said Act is hereby 43 Stat . 107. amended to read as follows "(c) The term importer' means any person who brings into, or Terms deflned who produces, refines, manufactures, or compounds, in the District "importer." of Colu mbia motor -vehicle fu el to be u sed by him or to be sold, kept for sale, bartered, delivered for value, or exchanged for -goods . The "Distributor ." term distributor' means any person other than an importer, who purchas es motor-v ehicle fuel for sale to another person fo r resale ." (B) Section 2 of said Act is further amended by adding the follow- ing subsections "(f) The term highwa ys' inc ludes t he righ t-of-wa y of st reets, "Hi ghways ." avenues, and roads, bridges, viaducts, underpasses, drainage struc- tures, guard rails, signs, signa ls, and protective s tructures in connec - tion with hi ghways . "(g) The term construction' means the supervising, inspecting, ( ' constru ction ." actual building, and all expenses incidental to the construction of a highwa y inclu ding th e acqui sition of the necess ary rig hts-of- way . "(h) rFhe term reconstruction' means a widening or a rebuilding "R eco nstr uct ion ." of the highway or any portion thereof and of sufficient width and strength to care adequately for traffic needs, including all expenses inciden tal to the reconstruc tion of a highway an d the acqu isition of the nec essary rig hts-of-way . "(i) The term maintenance' means the constant making of needed -Maintenance ." repairs to preserve the highway ." SEC. 3. Section 3 of said Act is hereby amended to read as follows "SEC. 3 (a ) No perso n shall bri ng into, o r produce, refine, m anu- License. facture, or compound in the District of Columbia motor-vehicle fuel to be used by him or to be sold, bartered, delivered for value, or exchanged for goods, and no person shall engage in the business of importer of motor-vehicle fuels in the District of Columbia unless such person is the holder of an unrevoked license authorizing him so to do issued by the Commissioners . The appli catio n for such Applic ation for ; co n . license shall contain (1) the name of the applicant

(2) the name

tents . under which the applicant intends to transact business and the name and place of business of the local representative ; (3) the location of the applicant's place of business ; (4) the date such business was est abl ish ed ; and (5 ) any other i nformat ion req uired u nder re gula- tions promulgated by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia .