Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/718

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7-rTH CO NGRES S, 1ST SESSION-CH . 690-AUGUST 17, 1937 as authorized by Congress, and such amounts so advanced shall be reimbursed by the said Commissioners to the Treasury out of the taxes and revenue collected for the support of the government of the said Distri ct of Columb ia . SURVEY OF TAX STRUCTURE OF THE DISTRI CT SEC . 3 . There is hereby authorized to be appropriated out of the revenues of the District of Columbia the sum of $5,000, for the employment of clerical services in connection with a survey and study of the entire tax structure of the District of Columbia to be made under the direction of the Commissioners of said District . Such sum shall be available for expenditure for personal services without regard to the civil service laws or the Classification Act of 1923, as amended . A report of such survey, with recommendations, shall be made by the Commissioners to Congress not later than January 15, 1938 . REGULATIONS SEC.4.The Commissioners of the District of Columbia are author- ized to make such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act . SEPAR ABILITY OF PROV ISIONS SEC. 5 . If any provision of this Act, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, is held invalid, the remainder of the Act, and the application of such provisions to other persons or circum- stances, shall not be affected thereby . TITLE VIII-AMENDMENT TO THE ANTITRUST LAWS Section 1 of the Act entitled "An Act to protect trade and com- merce against unlawful restraints and monopolies", approved July 2, 1890, is amended to read as follows : ",4ECTION 1 . Every contract, combination in the form of trust or otherwise, or conspiracy, in restraint of trade or commerce amon the several States, or with foreign nations, is hereby declared to be- illegal : Provided, That nothing herein contained shall render illegal, contracts or agreements prescribing minimum prices for the resale of a commodity which bears, or the label or container of which bears, the trade mark, brand, or name of the producer or distributor of such commodity and which is in free and open competition with com- modities of the same general class produced or distributed by others, when contracts or agreements of that description are lawful as applied to intrastate transactions, under any statute, law, or public policy now or hereafter in effect in any State, Territory, or the District of Columbia in which such resale is to be made, or to which the commodity is to be transported for such resale, and the making of such contracts or agreements shall not be an unfair method of competition under section 5, as amended and supplemented, of the Act en titled An Act to create a Federal Trade Commission, to define its powers and duties, and for other purposes', approved September 26, 1914 : Prov ided furth er, That the preceding proviso shall not make lawful any contract or agreement, providing for the establish- ment or maintenance of minimum resale prices on any commodity herein involved, between manufacturers, or between producers, or between wholesalers, or between brokers, or between factors, or between retailers, or between persons, firms, or corporations in com- petition with each other . Every person who shall make any contract or engage in any combination or conspiracy hereby declared to be 693 Survey of tax struc - ture of the District . Sum authorized . Post, p . 759 . Personal services . Report to Congress . Regula tions . Separa bility of pro - visions . Titl e V III- Amendment to the antitr ust law s . 26 Stat . 209. 15U.S.C.•1. Contracts in re- straint of trade illegal . Provisos . Resale price main- tenance ; provisions where contracts are lawful in intrastate transactions . Not deemed unfair method of competi- tio n . 38 Stat. 719. 10ti.S.C.§3:;. Con tra cts be twe en manufacturers, etc . Penalty for vio1,- tion .