Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/747

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722 75TH CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CH . 706-AUGUST 19, 1937 park purposes and none of said lands or any part thereof shall be sold, exchanged or conveyed except with the consent of both states by specific enactments ; provided, how ever, that the commission shall have power to grant easements, licenses, permits and other rights over any lands held by it in either state when in the opinion of the commission the same will not interfere with the use and enjoyment of the park by the public . "4. Each state may by legislation make rules and regulations for the use and governments including regulation of traffic, of such portions of the park as lie within the boundaries of the state, and such parts of any state, county or other public highways as lie within the limits of such portions of the park, and all lands, parks and parkway s in t he sta te und er the juris diction of th e comm ission , pre- scribe the penalty or penalties for violation of any such rules or regulations, prescribe the procedure for enforcement of any such penalty or penalties and provide the court or courts in which any such enforcement is to be sought . " ARTICLE V "1 . All money, securities and other property, real and personal, heretofore received by either of the state boards or hereafter received by the commis sion b y way of gif t, beq uest or devis e, may be re tained by the commission and, except in so far as the purpose or manner of using t he sam e is o therwi se spe cifica lly des ignate d or r estric ted by the terms of any such gift, bequest or devise, may be used in the commission's discretion in either state for any park purpose ; and the commission may likewise retain and use all revenue and income aris- ing solely from such money, securities and other property so received by way of gift, bequest or devise or from facilities or operations financed solely by funds so received . In the case of revenue and income arising partly from specific property received by way of gift, bequest or devise or from specific facilities or operations financed partly by funds so received, the commission may likewise retain and use such proportion of such revenue and income as the amount of gifts, bequests or devises, or the proceeds thereof, invested in each such property, facility or operation, bears to the total amount invested therein . The' legislature of either state may from time to ti me by law sp ecific ally m ade ap plicab le to t he com missio n pres cribe other terms and conditions upon which or purposes for which any gif ts, be quests , or d evises there after made of money , secu rities , or oth er pro perty may be accep ted fo r use in such state or us ed in such state or prescribe a different manner of administering gifts, bequests or devises thereafter made in such state and the disposition of all revenues or income arising therefrom . "2 . Either state may from time to time by law require the commis- sion to render to any designated official or official body of such state such reports and such estimates of revenues and expenditures as may be specified in such law . "ARTIC LE VI "The commi ssion shall not pl edge t he cred it of either state excep t by and with the authority of the legislature thereof . "ARTICLE VII "Neither the state of New York nor the state of New Jersey shall be liable for any torts of the commission, its members, officers or employees, except as provided by the laws of such state, but each member, officer and employee of the commission shall, with respect to