Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/75

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50 75T H[ CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CH . 49-MARCH 24, 1937 belongs (steam, motor, sail, or barge), the date and place of the shipment and of the discharge of such seaman, the rating (capacity in which employed) then held by such seaman, and the signature of the person making such entries and nothing more . Certificate of di s-

«(e) For the purpose of furnishing evidence of sea service in the charg e. case of seamen preferring the certificate of identification instead of the continuous discharge book, the Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navig ation shall provid e a ce rtific ate of discha rge, p rinted on du r- able paper, in such form as to specify the name and citizenship of the seaman to whom it is issued, the serial number of his certificate of identification, the name and official number of the vessel, the nature of the voyage (foreign, intercoastal, or coastwise), the class to whi ch the vesse l belo ngs (s team, motor, sail, or bar ge), t he dat e and place of the shipment and of the discharge of such seaman, and the rating (capacity in which employed) then held by such seaman . Records of service to Records of service entered in either continuous discharge books or contain no reference to character or ability of certif icates of discharg e shall c ontain no referenc e to the character or seama n. ability of the seaman . The shipping commissioner shall issue such certificate of discharge and make the proper entries therein, which certificate shall be signed by the seaman to whom it is issued and the master of the vessel and shall be witnessed by such shipping commissioner . Bureau of Marine

"(f) There shal l be main taine d in the Burea u of Marin e In spec- Inspection and Navi- gation ; records to be tion and Navigation in Washington, District of Columbia, a record kept by of every continuous discharge book, certificate of identification, cer- tificate of discharge, and any other certificate issued by the Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation, together with the name and address of the seaman to whom it is issued and of his next of kin, and certified copies of all entries made in continuous discharge books or certificates of discharge, which entries shall be forwarded to the Bureau by the shipping commissioner or other person making such Not open for public entries in accordance with the provisions of this section . Records inspection.

so mainta ined shal l not be open for general o r public use or in spection . Unlawful acts . "(g) Any person, partnership, company, or corporation who shall require any seaman employed or applying for employment to possess, produce, or carry a continuous discharge book, if and when such seaman possesses or carries an identification certificate, or to carry an i denti ficat ion certi ficat e, if and when such sea man p osses ses and carries a continuous discharge book, or who shall exchange or give to any other person, partnership, company, or corporation informa- tion to cause discrimination against a seaman for electing to carry either an identification certificate or a continuous discharge book, or to prevent a seaman from obtaining employment on that account, Penalty. shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor

and on conviction thereof,

shall be punishable by a fine of not more than 1,000 or imprisonment' for not more than one year, at the discretion of the court . False statements . "Seamen shall apply for certificates of identification or continuous discharge books hereunder ; and if any application contains any statement known by the applicant to be false, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, on conviction thereof before any dis- trict court of the United States, shall be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned for not more than one year, in the discretion of the court . Issuance of dupli-

"(h) In case of the loss of a continuous discharge book, a certifi- cate in case of loss . cate of identification, or of any certificate of discharge by shipwreck or other casualty, the seaman shall be supplied with a duplicate of such continuous discharge book, certificate of identification, or cer- tificate of discharge in which shall be entered all data that may be