Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/757

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732 Dispos al of ele ctric energy . Administrator ; ap- pointment, salary, of- fice . Sale, etc ., of surplus energy . Consu ltation with an adv isory boa rd . Form of adminis- tration provisional . Additional facilities authorized . Sta tion sp ace and equipment . Enc our agem ent of widest use of energy

prevention of monop- olization, etc . Acquisition of real and personal prop- er ty. 75TH CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION-OH . 720-AUGUST 20, 1937 facilities for the generation of electric energy as the administrator may deem necessary to develop such electric energy as rapidly as markets may be found therefor. The electric energy thus generated and not required for the operation of the dam and locks at such pr oject and t he na vigat ion fa cilit ies e mploye d in connec tion there - with shall be delivered to the administrator, for disposition as provided in this Act. SEC. 2. (a) The electric energy generated in the operation of the said Bonneville project shall be disposed of by the said administrator as hereinafter provided . The administrator shall be appointed by the Secretary of the Interior ; shall be responsible to said Secretary of the Interior ; shall receive a salary at the rate of $10,000 per year ; and shall maintain his principal office at a place selected by him in the vicinity of the Bonneville project . Th e adm ini st rat or shall, as hereinafter provided, make all arrangements for the sale and disposition of electric energy generated at Bonneville project not required for the operation of the dam and locks at such project and the navigation facilities employed in connection therewith . Ile shall act in consultation with an advisory board composed of a representative designated by the Secretary of War, a representative designated by the Secretary of the Interior, a representative desig- nated by the Federal Power Commission, and a representative designated by the Secretary of Agriculture . The form of adminis- tra tion herei n esta blish ed fo r the Bonne ville proje ct is inten ded t o be provisional pending the establishment of a permanent administra- tion for Bonneville and other projects in the Columbia River Basin . The Secretary of War shall install and maintain additional machin- ery , equ ipmen t, and faci litie s for the g enerat ion o f ele ctric energ y at the Bonneville project when in the judgment of the administrator such additional generating facilities are desirable to meet actual or pot entia l mar ket re quire ments for s uch e lectri c ene rgy . The Secre- tary of War shall schedule the operations of the several electrical generating units and appurtenant equipment of the Bonneville project in accordance with the requirements of th e administrator . The Secretary of War shall provide and maintain for the use of the administrator at said Bonneville project adequate station space and equipment, including such switches, switchboards, instruments, and dispatching facilities as may be required by the administrator for proper reception, handling, and dispatching of the electric energy produced at the said project, together with transformers and other equ ipment requ ired b y the admi nistra tor f or th e tran smiss ion of such energy from that place at suitable voltage to the markets which the administrator desires to serve . (b) In order to encourage the widest possible use of all electric energy that can be generated and marketed and to provide reasonable outlets therefor, and to prevent the monopolization thereof by limited groups, the administrator is authorized and directed to provide, con- struct, operate, maintain, and improve such electric transmission lines and substations, and facilities and structures appurtenant thereto, as he finds necessary, desirable, or appropriate for the purpose of transmitting electric energy, available for sale, from the Bonneville project to existing and potential markets, and, for the purpose of interchange of electric energy, to interconnect the Bonneville project with other Federal projects and publicly owned power systems now or hereafter constructed . (c) The administrator is authorized, in the name of the United States, to acquire, by purchase, lease, condemnation, or donation, such real and personal property, or any interest therein, including lands, easements, rights-of-way, franchises, electric transmission lines, sub-