Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/797

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772 12 U.S. C.°1016. Qu arte rly P ay- ments . U. S. Housing Au- tho rity, ca pital st ock subscription. Post,p.888. Coast Guar d, etc ., ve ssels ; dam age cla ims resulting from opera- tions of. 49 Stat . 1514. 14U .S.C ., Supp . II,° 71. Acc ounts and De- posits Office . Contingent ex- penses, public mon- eys; portion of funds for, transferred to Ac counts and Deposits, 1938. Ante, p. 140. Narcot ics Bureau . Marihuana Tax Act of 1937, expenses . Ante, pp . 144, 551 . Co ast Guar d. Civilian instructors, number increased . Ante, p. 145. Public Health Serv- ice . Hot Springs Tran- sient Medical Center Infirmary, Ark . Ante, pp . 352, 357. National Cancer In- st itute . Ante, p. 559. Treasurer's office . R efund ing e xcess duty. 12U.S.C.°547. 75TH CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CH . 757-AUGUST 25, 1937 by which interest payments on mortgages held by such Corporation have been reduced during the fiscal year 1938, in a ccord ance with the provisions of section 32 of the Emergency Farm Mortgage Act of 1933, approved May 12, 1933 (12 U . S. C. 1016), as amended, such payments to be made quarterly, beginning as soon as practicable after October 1, 1937, $5,000,000 . Subscription to capital stock, United States Housing Authority To en able the Secretary of the Treasury to make payments on account of subscriptions to the capital stock of the United States Housing Authority in accordance with the provisions of the United S tates Housing Act of 1 937, fiscal year 1938, to remain available until expended, $1,000,000 . Claims for damages, operation of vessels, Coast Guard and Public Health Service : To pay claims for damages adjusted and determined by the Secretary of the Treasury under the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the adjustment and settlement of certain claims for damages resulting from the operation of vessels of the Coast Guard and the Public Health Service, in sums not exceeding $3,000 in any one case", approved June 15, 1936, as fully set forth in Senate Document Numbered 104, Seventy-fifth Congress, $77 .89 . OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER OF ACCOUNTS AND DEPOSITS Not to exceed $5,200 of the amount appropriated for "Contingent expenses, public moneys", in the Act making appropriations for the Treasury Department for the fiscal year 1938, may be transferred to the appropriation for "Salaries, Office of Commissioner of Accounts and Deposits, 1938" . BUREAU OF NARCOTICS The appropriation for salaries and expenses, Bureau of Narcotics, contained in the Treasury Department Appropriation Act, 1938, is hereby made available for the payment of expenses in administering and enforcing the provisions of the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937. COAST GUARD That portion of the appropriation for pay and allowances, Coast Guard, contained in the Treasury Department Appropriation Act fo r 1938 , reading "and tw o civili an instru ctors", is amend ed to re ad "and three civilian instructors" . PUBLIC HEALTH SE RVI CE Division of Venereal Diseases : The President is hereby authorized to allot to the Public Health Service, Treasury Department, for the fiscal year 1938, not to exceed $200,000 out of unexpended bal- ances made available by sections 1 and 13 of the Emergency Relief Appro pria tion Act o f 193 7, for the purpose o f contin uing the opera- tion and maint enanc e of the Hot S prin gs Tr ansie nt M edica l Cen ter Infirmary located at Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas . National Cancer Institute : For carrying into effect the provisions of section 7 (b) of the National Cancer Institute Act, approved August 5, 1937, fiscal year 1938, $400,000, of which $200,000 shall be available for the purchase of radium . OFFICE OF THE TREASURER OF THE UNITED STATES Refunding to Na tional Bank Associations exces s of duty : For refunding excess duty collected during the fiscal year 1937 and prior years authorized under section 54 7, title 12, United States Code, 276 .36 .