Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/799

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774 Provisos . Un emplo yment re- lief. Pu rchas e of prop- erty at Chicago, 111 . Preparation of plans, etc . Limit on obliga- tions . Personal services . Acquisition of lan d, etc ., for Federal build- ings. 47 Stat . 722, 724. Engraving and Printing Bureau, ad- ditional building . Gra nd Ce ntral Sta- tion Post Office, etc ., Building, New York . 47 Stat . 656. Treasury Building, renewal of electric wiring; exceptions . Schofield Barracks, Hawaii ; portion as a post office building sits . Winc heste r, Va ., post office . 48 Stat. 1061 . 75TH CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION--CH . 757 AUGUST 25, 19 37 which is hereby appropriated for the same purposes as specified in this and previous Acts : Provided, That with a view to relieving country-wide unemployment the Secretary of the Tre asury a nd the Postmaster General, in the selection of towns or cities in which build- ings are to be constructed, shall endeavor to distribute the projects equitably throughout the country so far as may be consistent with the needs of the public service ; and the Secretary of the Treasury and the Postma ster Ge neral m ay also selec t for p rosecut ion und er this program such projects not incl uded in such revis ed report as in their judgment are economically sound and advantageous to the public service , inclu ding th e purch ase of proper ty at 1212 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois, at a cost not to exceed $450,000 and for the remodeling and furnishing thereof for the accommodation of Government activities : Provided further, That the Secretary of the Treasur is aut horized to direct the preparation o f all sketches, estimates, pans, and specifications (including supervision and inspec- tion thereof), and to enter into all contracts necessary for carrying out the purposes of this paragraph : Provided, That the total obliga- tions under the $70,000,000 program herein authorized shall not exceed $30,000,000 for the fiscal year 1938 but the Secretary of the Treasury is author ized to enter int o contracts for an y or all of the projects selected under this program in amounts not exceeding the respective estimated total costs of individual projects, and he is hereby authorized, when deemed by him desirable and advantageous, to employ, by contract or otherwise, the personal services of tem- porary professional, technical, or nontechnical employees to such extent as may be required to carry out the purposes of this para- graph, without reference to civil-service laws, rules, regulations, or to the Classification Act of 1923, as amended : Provided further, Tha t in the acquisit ion of land or si tes for the purpos es of Federal public buildings and in the construction of such buildings provided for in this paragraph, the provisions of sections 305 and 306 of the Emergency Relief and Construction Act of 1932, as amended, shall apply. Bureau of Engraving and Printing, additional building : For com- pletion of construction of an additional building for the Bureau of E ngravin g and P rinting and ot her Tr easury Departm ent act ivities , $2 ,325,000 . Grand Central Station Post Office and Office Building, New York, New York : For carrying out the provisions of the Act approved July 12, 1932 (47 Stat . 656), authorizing purchase of land and build- ing there on, for a pos t-offic e build ing and for ot her Gov ernmen t purposes, $10,107,065.94, payment from such sum to constitute com- plete settlement. Treasury Building, Washington, District of Columbia : For renew- ing the electric wiring system of the Treasury Building, except eleva- tors, and changing said system from direct current to alternating current, includin feeders, switches, transformer vaults, switchboards, panel boards, another requisite equipment, fiscal year 1938,$100,000. Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, Schofield Barracks post-office station : There is hereby transferred to the jurisdiction and control of the Secretary of the Treasury, as a site for a post-office building, a portion of the military reservation at Schofield Barracks, Oahu Island, Territory of Haw aii, particularly described under t his head- ing in House Document Numbered 215 of the Seventy-fifth Congress . Winchester, Virginia, post office : The limit of coat authorized under t he provisions of the Emergency Appr opriation Act, fi scal year 1935, approved June 19, 1934, for the acquisition of additional land and the extension and re modeling of the po st-office buildin g at Win- chester, Virginia, is hereby increased from $62,000 to $65,753 .