Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/815

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75 TH CON GRES S, 1ST SESSION-CU . 760-AUGUST 25, 1937 for a period of at least one year and who are not related to the appli- cant but who have personally known the applicant for a period of at least six months prior to the date of application, which recommenda- tion shall certify that the applicant bears a good reputation for honesty, truthfulness, fair dealing, and competency, and recommend that a license be granted to the applicant . Location n of busi- The application of every firm, partnership, copartnership, asso- ciation, or corporation for a real-estate broker's license shall state the location of the place or places for which said license is desired and set forth the period of time, if any, which said applicant has been engaged in the real-estate business, together with a complete list of all former places where the applicant may have been engaged in any business for a period of thirty days or more during the five years preceding date of application, accounting for such entire period. Members , etc . Such applications shall also state the name and r esidence of each ind ividu al me mber o r off icer of sai d app licant who activ ely pa rtici - pates in the brokerage business thereof . Additional informa-

The application of ever individual member or officer of a firm tion re quired .

y partnership, copartnership, association, or corporation for a real- estate broker's license shall state the full name and residence address of the applicant and the full name and business address of the firm, partnership, copartnership, association, or corporation with which he is or will be associated, the length of time he has been so asso- ciated, and in what capacity . Such application shall also state the peri od of time, if a ny, du ring which said appli cant h as be en en gaged in the real-estate business, together wi th a comple te list of all former places where the applicant may have resided and all former places where the applicant may have been engaged in any business for a period of thirty days or more during the five years preceding date of application, accounting for such entire period . lic Individual broker's Th e applicat ion of ea ch person for an in dividual r eal-estate broker's license shall state the full name of the applicant, his busi- ness address, and residence address . Such application shall also state the period of time, if any, during which said applicant has been engaged in the real-estate business, together with a complete list of all former places where the applicant may have resided and all former places where the applicant may have been engaged in any business for a period of thirty days or more during the five years preceding the date of application, accounting for such entire period . R eal -est ate sal es-

The application of every person for a real-estate salesman's license man's license . shall state the full name of the applicant, his residence address, and the name and business address of the real-estate broker by whom he is or will be employed . Such application shall also state the period of time, if any, during which said applicant has been engaged in the real-estate business, together with a complete list of all former places where the applicant may have resided and all former places where the applicant may have been engaged in any business for a period of thirty days or more during the five years preceding the date of application, accounting for such entire period . Such application shall be accompanied by a written statement by the broker by whom the applicant is employed or is about to be employed, stating that in his opinion the applicant is honest, truthful, and of good reputation, and recommending that the license be granted to the applicant . a~P ~andfeeto Every application for a license under the provisions of this Act shall be sworn to by the applicant and shall be accompanied by the licens e fee herei n pre scrib ed . I n the even t that the Commissi on does not app rove the ap plication f or a licens e the fee s hall be retu rned to the applicant .