Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/817

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792 Reopening of ques- tio n of q ualific ations of licensee . Recall of license . Surrender of license . Broker's license, fee. Exemptions . Salesman's license, fee . Expiration. Annual issuance of new license . Act ions f or coll ect- ing compensation . 75T a CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION-CH. ?E0-AUGUST 25, 1937 salesmen shall in addition show the name and address of the real,- estate broker by whom the said salesman is or will be employed . Eac h license sha ll have impri nted thereon t he seal of th e Commis- sion, and in addition to the foregoing shall contain such matter as shall be prescribed by the Commission . The license of each real- estate salesman shall be delivered or mailed to the real-estate broker by whom such real-estate salesman is employed and shall be kept in the custody and control of such broker . It shall be the duty of each real-estate broker to conspicuously display his license in his place of business . At any time within six months, but not thereafter, after the issu- ance of an o rigi nal lice nse the Comm issi on m ay, upon its own mot ion, and shall, upon the verified complaint, in writing, of any person, provided such complaint, or such complaint together with evidence, documentary or otherwise, presented therewith, shall make out a prima facie case that the licensee is unworthy to hold such license, notify the licensee, in writing, that the question of his honesty, competency, truthfulness, and integrity will be reopened and deter- mined de novo . Such writte n noti ce ma y be s erved by del ivery thereof personally to the licensee or by mailing same by registered mail to the last known business address of the licensee . Thereupon the Commission may require and procure further proof of the licensee's trustworthiness and competency, and if such proof shall not be satisfactory such license shall be recalled and shall thereafter be null and void . Upon the recall of any such license it shall be the duty of the licensee to surrender to the Commission such license . The fee for an original real-estate broker's license and every renewal thereof shall be $50 . No fee shall be charged for any original license or renewal thereof issued to any firm, partnership,' copartnership, association, or cor- poration all of whose members or officers actively participating in the brokerage business thereof have been issued a broker's license . The fee for an original real-estate salesman's license and every annual renewal thereof shall be $10 . Every license shal l expire on th e 1st day of July of each year, exce pt t hat the orig inal or init ial lice nses , fi rst issu ed u nder the provisions of this Act, sha ll expire on the 1st day of July 1938, subj ect, how ever , to rev ocat ion as h erei nbef ore prov ided . The Commission shall cause to be issued a new license for each ensuing year, in the absence of any reason or condition which might warrant the refusal of the granting of a license, upon receipt of the written request of . the applicant and the annual fee therefor, as herein required . The revocation of a broker's license shall auto- matically susp end every rea l-estate sale sman's license granted to any person by virtue of his employment by the broker whose license has been revoked, pending a change of employer and the issuance of a new license . Such new license shall be issued without charge if granted during the same license year in which the original license is granted . No person, firm, partnership, copartnership, association, or cor- poration engaged in the business or acting in the capacity of a real-estate broker or a real-estate salesman within the District of Columbia shall bring or maintain any action in the courts of the District of Columbia for the collection of compensation for any services performed as a real-estate broker or a real-estate salesman or enforcement of any contract relating to real estate without alleg- ing and proving that such person, firm, partnership, copartnership, association, or corporation was a duly licensed real-estate broker or real-estate salesman at the time the alleged cause of action arose .