Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/860

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75T H CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-C'HS . 817 . 818-AUGUST 26, 1937 Resolved by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States of America in Con gres s as semb led, That the Government of the Unit ed States hereby e xtends it s offici al recogn ition to the Pacif ic Mercado (International Exposition) and authorizes the executive departments, independent establishments, and agencies of the Gov- ernment to participate therein . Any expense incurred by such par- ticipation is to be met from any funds which may legally be used for that purpose and which may be available to such executive departments, independent establishments, or agencies . SEC . 2. That the President of the United States be, and he is hereby , auth orized and r espect fully request ed by procla mation , or i n such manner as lie may deem proper, to invite foreign countries to such proposed Pacific Mercado (International Exposition) and to such proposed world's fair to be held in connection therewith, with a request that they participate therein . Approved, August 26, 1937 . [CHAPTER 8181 835 Official recognition extended. Government agen- cies authorized to par- ticipate . Payment of in- curred expenses . President requested to invite foreign coun- tries to partic ipate . AN ACT Aug ust 26 , 1937 To require certain common carriers by railroad to install and maintain certain [x .291 appliances, methods, and systems intended to promote the safety of employees

[Public, No . 378] and travelers on railroads, and for other purposes . Be it e nacted by the Senate and House of Repres entatives of the United States o f A-nleriea 'in Congress assembled, That section 26 of the Interstate Commerce Act, as amended (U . S . C ., 1934 ed ., title 49, sec . 26), is hereby amended to read as follows : "SEC. 26 . (a) The term 'carrier' as used in this section includes any car rier b y rail road s ubject to th is part (incl uding any te rminal or station company), and any receiver or any other individual or body, judicial or otherwise, when in the possession of the business of a carrier subject to this section : Provided, however, That the term carrier' shall not include any street, interurban . or suburban electric railway unless such railway is operated as a part of a general steam- railro ad sys tem of trans portat ion, b ut shal l not exclud e any part o f a general steam-railroad system of transportation now or hereafter operated by any other motive power . "(b) That the Commission may, after investigation, if found neces- sary in the public interest, order any carrier within a time specified in the order, to install the block signal system, interlocking, automatic train stop, train control, and/or cab-signal devices, and/or other simi lar a pplia nces, met hods, and syst ems i ntend ed t o pro mote the safety of railroad operation, which comply with specifications and requirements prescribed by the Commission, -upon the whole or any part of its railroad such order to be issued and published a reason- able time (as determined by the Commission) in advance of the date for its fulfillment : Provided, That block signal systems interlocking, automatic train stop, train control, and cab-signal devices in use on the date of the enactment of this amendatory provision or such sys- tems or d evice s her eina fter insta lled may not b e di scont inued or materially modified by carriers without the approval of the Com- mission : Provided further, That a carrier shall not be held to be negligent because of its failure to install such systems, devices, appli- ances, or me thods upon a porti on of its rai lroad not in cluded in th e order, and any action arising because of an accident occurring upon such portion of its railroad shall be determined without consideration of the use of such systems, devices, appliances, or methods upon another portion of its railroad . Interstate Com- merce Act, amend- ments . 41 Stat. 498. 49U .S .c.°26 . "Carrier" con- st rued . Proviso . Street, interurban, or suburban electric railways . Safety devices . Install ation o f ear- tein, upon o rder o f Commission . Provisos . Existing systems, etc . Limit of carrier's liability .