Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/870

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75TH CON GRES S, 1sT SESSION-CH . 832 AUGU ST 26, 1 937

845 by Act of Congress, which said investigations and improvements shall include a due regard for wildlife conservation Chelsea River or Creek (Boston Harbor), Massachusetts : Rivers Chelsea Ri ver or and Harbors Committee Document Numbered 24, Seventy-fifth Cr eekc Bost on), Maac . Co ngress ; Town River, Quincy, Massachusetts ; House Document Numbered Town River, Qwn- 96, S eventy-fifth Congress ;

cy, Mass. Scituate Harbor . Massachusetts ; Rivers and Harbors Committee scituate, mass . Document Numbered 26, Seventy-fifth Congress ; Cuttyh unk Harb or, Mass achusetts ; House Document Numbered Cnttybunk, Mass . 81, Seventy-fifth Congress ; Edgartown Harbor, Massachusetts ; Senate Commerce Committee Edgartown, Mass . Document, Seventy-fourth Congress ; New Bedford and Fairhaven Harbor, Massachusetts ; Rivers and Now Bedford and Harbors Committee Document Numbered 25, Seventy-fifth Congress ; Fairhacen, Mass . Providence River and Harbor, Rhode Island ; House Document Pr ovid ence Riv er N umbered 173, Seventy-fifth Congress ;

and Harbor, It. 1. Newport Harbor, Rhode Island ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Newport, R .1 . Document Numbered 36, Seventy-fifth Congress ; New Lo ndon Har bor, Con necticut ; R ive rs and Ha rbo rs Com mit tee New London, Conn . D ocument Numbered 82, Seve nty-four th Congr ess ; Milfor d Harbor , Connec ticut ; Hous e Do cumen t Num bered 77, Milford, Conn . Seventy-fifth Congress ; Bridgeport Harbor, Connecticut ; House Document Numbered 232, Bridgeport, Conn. Seventy-fifth Congress ; Stamford Harbor, Connecticut ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Stamford, Conn . Document Numbered 29, Seventy-fifth Congress ; Flus hing Ba y and Creek, New Y ork ; R ivers and Harbors Com- Flushing Bay and m ittee Documen t Numbered 35 , Seventy-fi fth Congress ;

Creek, N. Y. Greenport Harbor, New York ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Greenport, N . Y . D ocument Numbered 88, Seve nty-four th Congr ess ; Long Island Intracoastal Waterway, New York ; House Document Long Island intra- N Numbered 181, Seventy-fifth Congress :

N aYal waterway, New Yo rk Harbor : Ambrose, Anchorage, and Hudson River New York Harbor . C hannels ; Senate Commerce Committee Document, Seventy-fifth C ongress ; Fire Isla nd Inlet . New York ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Fire Island Inlet, Document Numbered 33, Seventy-fifth Congress ;

N. Y. Newtown Creek, New York ; Rivers and Harbors Committee N Newtown Creek, Document Numbered 4, Seventy-fifth Congress ; Irvington Harbor, New York ; House Document Numbered 244, Irvington, N . Y . Seventy-fifth Congress ; Raritan River, New Jersey ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Raritan River, N . J . Do cument N umbered 74, Seven ty-fourt h Congre ss ; Lemon Creek, Staten Island, New York ; Rivers and Harbors Com- Lemon Creek, mittee Document Numbered 27, Seventy-fifth Congress ;

Staten Island, N . Y . Sandy Hook Bay off Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey ; House Sa ndy Hook Bay , Document Numbered 292, Seventy-fifth Congress ;

Atlantic Highlands, Cohansey River, New Jersey ; Senate Commerce Committee Docu- Cobansey River, meat, Seventy-fifth Congress ;

N.J. Barnegat Inlet, New Jersey ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Doe- Barnegat Inlet, N . J . ument Numbered 85, Seventy-fourth Congress ; Delaware River between Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Trenton, Phila delphia eDelaware, River, Pa., to New Jersey ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered Trenton, N.J. 90, Seventy-fourth Congress ; Saint Jones River, Delaware ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Doe- Sa int J ones Riv er, ument Numbered 18, Seventy-fifth Congress ;

Del . Mispillion River, Delaware ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Doc- D Mispillion River, ument Numbered 83, Seventy-fourth Congress ;