Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/914

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75 TH CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION-CH . 896-SEPTEMBER 1, 1937 (7) The term "Federal project" means any project owned or administered by the Authority . (8) The term "acquisition cost" means the amount prudently required to be expended by a public housing agenc y in acquiring a low -ren t-ho usin g or slu m-cl eara nce proj ect . (9) The term "non-dwelling facilities" shall include site develop- ment, improvements and facilities located outside building walls (including streets, sidewalks, and sanitary, utility, and other facilities) (10) The term "goinFederal rate of interest" means, at any time, the annual rate of-interest specified in the then most recently issued bonds of the Federal Government having a maturity of ten years or more . (11) The term "public housing agency" means any State, county, municipality, or other governmental entity or public body (exclud- ing the Auth orit y), whic h is aut hori zed to e ngag e in the dev elop ment or administration of low-rent housing or slum clearance . (12) The te rm "St ate" includ es the State s of the Un ion, t he District of Columbia, and the Territories, dependencies, and posses- sions of the United States . (13) The term "Authority" means the United States Housing Authority created by section 3 of this Act . UNITED STATES HOUSING AUTHORITY SEC. 3 . (a) There is hereby created in the Department of the Interior and under the general supervision of the Secretary thereof a body corporate of perpetual duration to be known as the United States Housing Authority, which shall be an agency and instru- mentality of the United States . (b) The powers of the Authority shall be vested in and exercised by an Administr ator, who sha ll be appoint ed by the Pres ident, by and with the adv ice and cons ent of t he S enat e . The Admini strator shall serve for a term of five years and shall be removable by the President upon notice and hearing for neglect of duty or malfeasance but for no other cause . (c) The Administrator shall receive a salary of $10,000 a year, shall be eligible for reappointment, and shall not engage in any other busi- ness, vocation, or employment . Neither the Administrator nor any officer or employee of the Authority shall participate in any matter affecting his personal interests or the interest of any corporation, partnership, or associati on in which h e is directly or indirectly interested . SEc . 4 . (a) The Administrator is authorized, subject to the civil- service laws and the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, to appoint and fix the compensation of such employees as may be necessary for the proper performance of the duties of the Authority under this Act ; except that without regard to the civil-service laws he may appoint such officers, attorneys and experts, and such employees whose com- pensation is in excess of $1 .980 per annum, as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act . (b) Appointment to positions made under the provisions of this Act the annual salary of which is in excess of $7,500 per annum shall be subject to confirmation by the Senate . (c) The Administrator may accept and utilize such voluntary and uncompensated services and with the consent of the agency concerned may utilize such officers, employees, equipment, and information of any agency of the Federal, State, or local governments as he finds helpful in the performance of the duties of the Authority . In connec- 889 "Federal project." "Acquisition cost ." "Non-dw elling facil- ities ." "Going Federal rate of interest ." "Public housing agency." "State ." "Authority ." ti nited S tates H ous- ing Authority . Corporate agency created . Administrator ; pow- ers, appointment, etc . Salary; engagement in other business . Employees . 5LT.S.C.°°661-674. Senate confirmation of certain appoint- ments . Volunta ry ser vices . Serv ice s, etc ., of other agencies.