Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/937

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912 Payments. Proaiaos . Per centum of total to be stated . Pa yments in even t of death, etc . To one producer in a group . Nonproducer . Uti lizatio n of lo cal committees, etc . Incurred expenses . Basis for payment ; review . Application of title . Title IV-Excise taxes with respect to sugar . Definitions . "Person ." Manufactured su gar .'" Grades or types . "Total sugars ." "United St ates. " 75TH CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CH . 898-SEPTEMBER 1, 19 37 (d) Application for payment shall be made by, and payments shall be made to, the producer or, in the event of his death, disap- pearance, or incompetency, his legal representative, or heirs

Pro- vided, however, That all producers on the farm shall signify in the application for payment the per centum of the total payment with respect to the farm to be made to each producer : And p rovi ded fua'ther, That pa yments may be made, (1) in the event of the death, disappearance, or incompetency of a producer, to such beneficiary as the producer m ay designate in the applic ation for paym ent ; (2) to one producer of a group of two or more producers, provided all prod ucer s on the far m de sign ate such pro duce r in the app lica tion for payment as sole recipient for their benefit of the payment with respect to the farm ; or (3) to a person who is not a producer, provided such person control s the land in cluded within the farm with respect to which the application for payment is made and is designated by the sole producer (or all producers) on the farm, as sole recipient for his or their benefit, of the payment with respect to the farm . SEC . 305 . In carrying out the provisions of titles II and III of this Act, the Secretary is authorized to utilize local committees of sugar beet or sugarcane producers, State and county agricultural conserva- tion committees, or the Agricultural Extension Service and other agencies, and the Secretary may prescribe that all or a part of the expenses of such committees may be deducted from the payments herein authorized . SEC. 306 . The facts constituting the basis for any payment, or the amount thereof authorized t o be made und er this title, officially determined in conformity with rules or regulations prescribed by the Secretary, shall be reviewable only by the Secretary, and his deter- minations with respect thereto shall be final and conclusive . SEC . 307 . This title shall apply to the continental United States, the Territory of Hawaii, and Puerto Rico . TITLE IV-EXCISE TAXES WI TH RESPECT TO SUGAR DEFINITIONS SEC . 401 . For the purposes of this title- (a) The term "person" means an individual, partnership, corpora- tion, or association . (b) The term "manufactured sugar" means any sugar derived from sugar beets or sugarcane, which is not to be, and which shall not be, further refined or otherwise improved in quality ; except sugar in liquid form which contains nonsugar solids (excluding any foreign substance that may have been added) equal to more than 6 per centum of the total soluble solids, and except also sirup of cane juice produced from sugarcane grown in continental United States . The grades or types of sugar within the meaning of this defini- tion shall include, but shall not be limited to, granulated sugar, lump sugar, cube sugar, powdered sugar, sugar in the form of blocks, con es, or molded shapes, conf ectioners' sug ar, washed su gar, cen- trifugal sugar, clarified sugar, turbinado sugar, plantation white sugar, muscovado sugar, refiners' soft sugar, invert sugar mush, raw sugar, sirups l molasses, and sugar mixtures . (c) The term total sugars" means the total amount of the sucrose (Clerget) and of the reducing or invert sugars . The total sugars contained in any grade or type of manufactured sugar shall be asc ertained in t he manner pre scribed in par agraphs 758, 759, 762, and 7'63 of the United States Customs Regul ations (1931 edition) . (d) The term "United States" shall be deemed to include the States, the Territories of Hawaii and Alaska, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico .