Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/94

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75 TH CONGRESS, 1ST SES SION-CHS . 100- 111-A PRIL 17, 1937 pans, fifty reflector ovens, two hundred water pails, two hundred and fifty tin serving pans, two hundred and fifty pitchers : Prov ided , That no expense shall be caused the United States Government by the delivery and return of said property, the same to be delivered at such time prior to the holding of the said convention as may be agreed upon by the Secretary of War and the National Council, Boy Scouts of America : Provided further, That the Secretary of War before delivering said property shall take from the said Boy Scouts of America a good and sufficient bond for the safe return of said property in good order and condition, and the whole without expense to the United States . That the Commissioner of Internal Revenue be, and he is hereby, authorized under such rules and regulations as he shall promulgate to remit the tax on steamship tickets to bona-fide Scouts and Scouters certified by the National Council, Boy Scouts of America, attending this Jamboree . That, under such regulations as he may prescribe, the Secretary of State be, and he is hereby, authorized to issue passports to bona-fide Scouts and Scouters of the Boy Scouts of America who are citizens of the United States or, if not citizens of the United States, who owe permanent allegiance to the United States upon certification by the National Council, Boy Scouts of Am erica, as to their quali ficatio n to a ttend this J ambore e as representing the National Council, Boy Scouts of America, with- out. fee for the application or the issuance of said passports. Approved, April 17, 1937 . Proalsoa . No Federal expense for delive ry, etc . Bond . 69 Remission of tax on ste amship ticket s . Issue of passp,rt, without fee . [CHAPTER 110] AN ACT April 17, 1937 To amend an Act entitled "An Act to provide for vocational rehabilitation of [II . R . 157] disabled residents of the District of Columbia, and for other purposes" (Public,

[Public . No . 41] Numbered 801, Seventieth Congress) . Be it enacted by th .e Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 6 of the Act . entitled "An Act to provide for the vocational rehabilitation of disabled residents of the District of Columbia, and for other pur- poses", approved February 23, 1929 (Public, Numbered 801, Seventieth Congress), be, and it is hereby, amended by striking out "$15,000" wherever it appears and inserting in lieu thereof "$25, 000 . to be immediately available" : Provided, That no such additional approp riatio n shal l be a vailab le for expend iture except when matche d by e qual appro priat ions of D istri ct o f Col umbia fun ds, w hich are hereby authorized . Approved, April 17, 1937 . District of Colum- bia . Ad dit ion al annual appropriation for vo- cational reh abi lit a- tion, authorized . 45 Stat . 1260. Post, p . 765. Proriso. Equal amount from Di str ict fu nds, [CHAPTER 1111 AN ACT April 17, 1937 To authorize the acquisition of six hundred and forty acres of land for the use and [II . R . 5293] benefit of the Santa Rosa Band of Mission Indians, State of California .

[Public, No. 42] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized to purchase in the name of the United States of America . in trust for the Santa Rosa Band of Mission I ndians six hundred a nd forty acres of la nd describ ed as sectio n 36, townsh ip 7 s outh, r ange 4 east, San B ernar- dino meridian, California, and for that purpose there is hereby authori zed to be ap propri ated, out of any mo ney in the T reasur y not, other wise appro pria ted, not t o ex ceed the s um of $500 . Approved, April 17, 1937 . Santa Rosa Band of Mission Indians, Cal forma. Acquisition of land for use of, authorized . tho Apripropria tionzed

all. . Post, p.763.