Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/941

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916 Information, penal- fur nish= ty for willful failure to Speculation, etc ., rest riction . Penalty . Suspension of opera- tion, etc ., in national emer gency. Designated legisla- tion not applicable. 49 Stat . 1539. 7 U.S.C., Supp.II, °§ 613a, 608a-1 . Investigations, etc ., author ized. R esearch a nd pub- lication of informa- tion . Termination of tax, etc . P ayme nts unde r applicable programs . 75Ta CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION--CH. •898-SEPTEMBER 1, 1937 of the provisions of section 209, or any person who brings or imports into the continental United States direct-consumption sugar after th e quanti ties spec ified in section 207 have been fi lled, sha ll forfe it to the United States the sum equal to three times the market value, at the time of the commission of any such, (a) of that quan tity of sugar or liquid sugar by which any quota, proration, or allotment is exceeded, or (b) of that quantity brought or imported into the con- tinental United States after the quantities specified in section 207 have been filled, which forfeiture shall be recoverable in a civil suit brought in the name of the United States . SEC. 5 0 7 . All persons engaged in the manuf acturing, marketing, or transportation of sugar or liquid sugar, and hav ing, information which the Secretary deems necessary to enable him to administer the provisions of this Act, shall, upon the request of the Secretary, furnish him with such information . Any person willfully failing or refusing to furnish such information, or furnishing willfully any false information, shall upon conviction be subject to a penalty of not more than $1,000 for each such violation . SEc . 508 . No person shall, while acting in any official capacity in th e adminis tration of this A ct, inve st or spe culate i n sugar o r liquid su gar, cont racts re lating th ereto, o r the sto ck or me mbership interest s of any association or corporation engaged in the production or manu- facturing of sugar or liquid sugar . Any person violating this section shall upon conviction thereof be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than two years, or both . ' .EC . 5 0 9 . Wh enever the President f inds and pr oclaims that a national economic or other emergency exists with respect to sugar or liquid sugar, he shall by proclamation suspend the operation of tit le II or III abov e, which he deter mines, on the bas is of suc h find- ings, should be suspended, and, thereafter, the operation of any such tit le sh all c ontin ue in susp ense until the Presi dent finds and pro- clai ms that t he facts which o ce sinned such su spension no longe r exist . The Secr etary shal l mak e suc h inv estig ation s and repo rts t hereo n to the President as may be necessary to ai d him in carrying out the provisions of this section . SEC . 510 . The provisions of the Agricultural Adjustment Act, as amended, shall cease to apply to sugar upon the enactment of this Act , and the provi sions of P ublic Reso lutio n Num bered 109, Seve nty- fourth Congress, approved June 19, 1936, are hereby repealed . SEc . 5 1 1 . In or der to f acilitate the eff ectuation of the purposes of this Act, the Secretary is authorized to make surveys, investigations, including the holding of public hearings, and to make recommenda- tions with re spect to (a) the terms and conditi ons of co ntracts between the producers and processors of sugar beets and sugarcane and (b) the terms and conditions of contracts between laborers and producers of sugar beets and sugarcane . SEC. 512. The Secretary is authorized to conduct surveys, investi- gations, and research relating to the conditions and factors affecting the methods of accomplishing most effectively the purposes of this Act and for the benefit of agriculture generally in any area . Not - withstanding any provision of existing law, the Secretary is author- ized to make public such information as he deems necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act . SEC . 513 . No tax shall be imposed on the manufacture, use, or importation of sugar after June 30, 1941, and the powers vested in the Secretary under this Act shall terminate on December 31, 1940, except that the Secretary shall have power to make payments under title III under programs applicable to the crop year 1940 and prev ious crop years . Approved, September 1, 1937 .