Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/946

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INDEX Atrlealtare. Department ol-Continued. Page Appropriation for-Continued. Agricultural land resources, conser- vation and use oC ___________ .. 4aO Animal Industry, Bureau of ____ ____ 403 Foot-aDd-mouth dil.<:~, etc., erad- ication 01. _________________ 406 Beltsville Research Center______ ____ 432 Biological Survey, Bureau of________ 419 Chemistry and Soils, Bureau oL_____ 414 Commodity Exchange Act, enforce- Dlent________________________ 427 Contingent expenses_ __ _______ _____ 3!1ti Dairy Industry, Bureau oL_________ 407 Diseased cattle, elimination of ___ ___ 432 Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Bureau of. _ __________________ "15 Experiment Stationa, C~ce of_ _____ 398 Extension Service _________ • __ .____ 400 Food and Drug Administration. __ _ _ _ 427 ForeRt roads and trails_____________ 433 Forest Service .. ____ . ___ __ __ ___ ____ 410 Acquisition of land for national forests_____________________ 413 Forest-fire cooperation___________ 413 Forest planting stock, cooperative distribution of ____________ . . _ 413 National forest administration _ _ __ 411 Home Economics, Bureau oL ______ _ 427 Information, Office 01. _ ___ ___ _ ____ _ 397 International production control COm- Dllt~_ _____ ______ ______ _____ 432 International Wheat Advisory Com- o»ttee, contribntion_ _ _ ______ 432 lJbr.ary__________________________ 398 Plant Industry, Bureau 0'-_________ 407 Printing and binding ____________ .__ 3~7 Publio Roads, Bureau OC ________ .__ 421 Federal-aid highway system______ 422 Orad& crossing elimination_____ __ _ 423 Public-landa highways __________ 423 Secondary or feeder roads________ 422 Secretary, Office 01._______________ 395 Miscellaneous expenses___________ 396 Rent of buildings, D.C__ ____ ____ 397 ~ies________________________ 395 SoU Conservation and Domestic Allot- ment Act, effecting provisions of_ 430 SoU Conservation Service___________ 429 Solicitor, Office 01.________________ 397 Special research fund_ ____ ____ _____ 399 Weather Bureau_ _ _ __ __ ___________ 402 De6ciency appropriation for- Agricultural land resources, conserva- tion and use 0'- _____ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ 161 Audited claims____ ' _________ 234, 118, 181 Bankhead-JlInes Farm Tenant Act, administration __ __ __ __ ___ ____ _ 762 Commodity Exchange Act, enforce- !Dent __ • _______ • __________ . __ 12 Agricultare, Department ol-Continued. Page Deficiency appropriation for--Contd. Cotton producers, price adjustment payment to_ ________ ______ ___ _ 762 Dairy Industry, Bureau oL_________ 761 Damage claims______________ 232,775,776 Forest Service ________ . ___________ 12 International Production Control Committees_ _ _ _ _____________ _ 762 Judgments, payment oL __________ • 15, 776 Plant Industry, Bureau oL____ ______ 761 Sugar Act of 1937, administration_ ___ 762 Agricultnral Ma.rketing Agreement Act of 1937, ad~inistration by ___ • ___ 246 Appropriations, interchange oL____ _ __ 431 Arid and semiarid areas, water con- servation, etc ___ . _• __________ __ _ 869 Appropriations authorized _____ . _. __ 870 Conditions required_____ ___ __ ____ __ 870 Location of facilities _______ . _______ 869 Secretary, powers and duties _ _ _ ____ 810 Cooperative Farm Forestry Act, ad- ministration by ___ . ___________ ._ 188 Cotton, classification of, authorized upon request of producer grOUPB_ _ 62 Collection and publication of infor- mation on supply, demand, mar- ket prices, etc ___________ • _ _ _ _ _ 62 Cotton prices, predicting future, for- bidden________________________ 396 Deteriorated explosives, transfer frolU War Department for agricultural purposes, provisionsrepealed______ 94 Food, etc., tests, for other departments, transfer of funds authorized ___ __ __ 431 Greenville, Tex., acquisition of tract of land near_____ • _ _ ___ __ ___ __ __ ___ 408 Houma, La., cBtablishDlent of sugar- cane station at_ _ ________ ____ __ __ 410 InsectiCide spray on fruit, use of funds for investigating effects of, {or- bidden_________________________ 396 Insect pest and plant diseaso control, appropriation authorized for _______


Appropriation for _____________ . _ 120, Ii 14 Pecos River. survey for run-off retarda- tion _____________________ . _ 864 Rant, D. C., transfer of funda for __ 471 Rio Grande, survey for run-off retalna- tion_ ___ ____________ _ _ .. S04 Sugar Act of 1937, administration l.Iy 90a Toll bridges on Federal-aid llighwaYlI, aid to States in making certain, free bridges ________________ .____ 640 VeWcles, purchase from lump-sum appropriations; restriction on US(L . 4al Wildlife-restoration projects, coopera- tion with States with respect to, administration l.Iy _____ _____ ___ . 917