Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/959

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Census. Borea" 01 the. See alBo (A)III- meree. Department of. Rcd-cedar shingles. collediun and pub- licat.ion of statistics conceruiug ___ _ Census 01 UnemploJ'ment. etc.• taking I)f. provided for; completion on or before April 1. 1938_____________________ _ Central Bank lor CoopersUveL Set! Farm Credit Act of 1933. Amendments. Central StatlsUcal Board. appropriation for_ Central VaDe, Project. Calif.: Appropriation for construction _______ _ Jurisdiction transferred to Department of the Interior _________________ _ Cereal Crope ud Diseases. appropriation tllr investigations _________________ _ Chamberlaln, So Dsk.. construction. ete.• of tourist cabins. alnutICruent. etc.• facil- ities on American Island, authorizeU_ Chanute Field, DI.. construction at, au- thorized _________________________ _ Cbapmu Field. Fla.. settlement of out- standing claims against. l6uthorized __ Charltoa River• Iowa ud Mo•• examination authorized _______________________ _ Charlea Carroll of Carrolltoa Bh:eateaary CommJ88Ioa: Appropriation for __________________ _ Authority to fix compensation aud de- termine exIMmditure8 ____________ _ ('h.rle8ton. S . C .. appropriatiun for re- pairs. ete .• Na\'y Yard ____________ _ Charlotte Harbor. Fl., . improvement au- thorized _________________________ _ Cheboygan Harbor. Mich.. improvement L"DEX Pare Chieqo, D1.: Appropriation for hydrographic office expen8C8 ______________________ _ 204 Ogden Slip, time extended for bridging __ Chlc.,o River, OL, time extended for bridging. opposite entrance________ _ 883 Chickamauga Dam, appropriation lor continuing construetion ___________ _ Chickasaw Indi.... OklL: 331 Dormitory properties. sale of certain. authorized _____________________ _ 597 Reser\'ation of minerals -in futUJ'C land sales __________________________ _ 850 Chleopee River, examination authorized __ Chief Inspector, OBlee of. See Post Office 40~ Department. Childhood. Amerlean InteraaUow Insti- tute lor the ProtecUon of, appropria- 623 tion for contribution ______________ _ Children, Dependent. aid to, appropria- . 858 tion for grants to States ___________ _ Children'. Bureau. See Labor, Depart.. 135 ment of. Chile: 879 Appropriation for ambassador t-o __ _ __ _ J('anncret. Enriqueta Koch \'. de, ap- propriation authorizl'd for pay- 10 mentfor account of. ____________ _ Appropriation for_________________ _ 694 ('hllllc:othe, Ohio, appropriation for in- dustrial reformatory ______________ _ 110 Chilocc:o, OkIL, appropriation for educa- tion of Indianll ___________________ _ 847 China: Appropriation for- Xl' Paae 118 2~ 217 537 810 878 267 344 263 130 769 281 authorized ________________________ Sty Ambassador to ___________________ _ 263 ('helsea River or Creek. M . . . . . impro"e- ment authorized __________________ _ ('hem.wa, Salem. Ore". appropriation for education of Indians______________ _ Chemical W srfare Service. &e \Val De- partment. ChemistrJ' and SoIJs, Bureau of._ See Agriculture. Department of. Chemistry, International Union of, appro- priation for contribution ________ _ Cherokee ladian Reservation, N. C ., c:\- (·hange of certain lan<lll within, fur landa within Great Smoky lI,'lollutuilis Natio.lal Park ________ -- ____ - ____ _ Cherry Creek, Colo., cxallliuation auth"f- ized _________________________ - Chesapeake Bay. Del. and Md., cX:1mi!'Il- tion of - inland waterway frum, t" Delaware River, authorized___ _ _ __ _ Chetro River, Orf'I., exalllirilltiun al,tllOr- ized ___________________________ . Cheyenne Uiver Reservation, S. Dak., appropriation for purchase of land«_ 845 58.1 268 Monuments. etc .• tQ American soldiel'l!. maintenance _________ _ l:uited States (A)urt for ___________ _ Amoy. salcof lot situated I\t. authorized_ I>!'portation of encmy alil'us from. World War. payment to Japan authorized a~ share of eXJlClI1!C of __ ApprupriatiuD for ___ _ Inrlcmnity for injuriell, ct('., to certain CitiZCIIII of. al'Propl"illtioll author- 515 277 246 199 769 ized fur paYlUcnt of. _. _1 3 0, 131, 132, 133 Appropriatioll for _ _ _ _ __________ 768 China Trade Ad, appropriation for 16d- 101/9 ministratiou _____________________ _ Chincotea,ue Bay, Va.: ~i91 Ex!\miuation authori~cd __ IlIIpro\,(~l11ellt authol'i;tcd. Chippewa Indians, Mina.: Appropriation for- Education __ Hospitals, support __ . _________ _ Chiu Chul Irrigatiun Project. Ariz., ap- )lropriatioll fur __ _ ______ .. ________ _ 285 581 222 576