Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/970

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XXVI INDEX Disaster Loaa Corporation, establish- ment ___________________________ _ Corporatepowers_____ - _________ - __ _ Loans authorued for flood, etc., relief in 1937__________________________ _ Extended to disa'lters in 1936_______ _ Subscription of stock by Reconstructioll p .... 19 19 19 211 Finance Corporation__ ___________ 19 Discharle Book. See Seamen. Dille.lled Cattie, approp~Lion Cor elim- ination 01.__ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ __ 432 Dilleues aDd SaaltatiioD bvestilation8- See Social Securit~· Act. Diatllled Spirits. See Bottling in Bond Act, Amendments. Dlatinlulshed Flyln, Cross, provisions (or awarding, extended to Coost GuarcL _. _____ . ______ .____. ______ 549 District or Columbia: Appropriation for- Alley Dwelling Authority ___________ 333 Anaeostia Park, development of._ _ _ _ 385 Contingent and miscellaneous ell:- penses_______________________ 363 centralGa~----------------- 364 Emergency fund _ _ _ _____ __ ______ 364 Employment Service ___ . _____ __ __ 3ti4 Erroneous collections, refund of _ __ 365 VVharves___ -------------------- 365 Co~___________________________ 377 Court of Appeals___ ____ ___ __ ___ _ 378 District Court of the United States for the Di-itrict of Columbia_ _ 378 Juvenile Court ____________ - _ - _- - 377 ~~Uaneous___________________ 379 Municipal Court________________ 378 Pulille Court___ ____ ___ __ ___ ____ _ 377 Electrk (\1 Department _ _ ___ ________ 367 ~ruM8,general----------------- 359 Alooholic Beverage Control Board_ 360 Aaseaaor's office __ __ _________ ____ 360 Auditor's office ____________ - _ - __ - 360 BuildinKS, care, etc_ ___ __ __ _____ _ 360 Collector's office_____ __ ____ ______ 360 Coroner's office_ _ _ __ __ __ __ __ ____ 360 Corporation Counsel, office of. ___ _ 360 Deeds, Recorder of. __ __ __ _ - _____ 362 Employees' Compensation Fund, D. C_______________________ 362 Engineer Department, Chief Clerk, office of._ ____ ___ __ __ _______ 361 Executive office___ ___ ___________ 359 Poundmaster, office of _ _ _ ______ ::;60 Smoke and boiler regulation __ __ 360 Insurance, Department of. __ ___ _ _ 361 ~inimum Wage Board___________ 362 Municipal Architect's office ___ - _ _ _ 361 Public Utilities CommiBBion_ _ _ ___ 361 Steam Enginl'ers, Board of Ex- anUners____________________ 361 Surveyor's office_________________ 361 District of Columbia-Continued. Appropriation for---Continued. Expenses, general--Contillued. Public convenience stations______ _ Vchicles and Traffic, Department of ________________________ _ Weights, Mcasures, and Markct!!, 360 362 office of Superintendent ot.__ _ 361 Wills, Regillter 01._ _ _ __ _ _ __ ______ 362 Fire Dcpartment_______ __ _ __ __ __ __ 374 Miscellaneous ________________ . _ 374 Health Department ________ - _ _ _ __ _ _ 375 Materials, supplies, etc., purchase of _ 394 Metropolitan Police_ _ _ ______ __ ____ 373 House of Detention__ ___ _____ __ _ _ 374 Militia___________________________ 385 National Capital Park and Planning Commission_ _ ___ __ ___ ______ __ 386 National Capital Parks _ _ _ _ __ ____ __ 385 Gcneral expcnses __________ . ___ ._ 385 Park police, pay, etc. __ .. _ ___ ____ 386 Salaries ______________ ._. ___ 385 Playgrouuds ____________ .._ 367 Police and firemen's relief- __ . 374 Printing and binding ______ . _. 364 Public Library ____ __ ______ 365 Public Welfare_ __ ______ ___ ____ _ _ 379 Board of Public Welfare _______ . _ 379 Cj~ild Welfare, Division of.. _ _ ____ 379 COlumbia Hospital and Lying-In Asylum____________________ 382 Columbia Polytechnio Institute_ __ 384 District Training SChool ________ . _ 382 Ex-servlce men, burial of. _ __ _ __ __ 384 Florence Crittenton Home______ __ 383 Home for Aged and Infirm_ _ _ __ __ 382 Indigent persons, transportation of _ 384 Industrial Home SchooL __ __ _____ 382 Industrial Home School for Col- ored Children_______ ________ 382 Insane, nonresident___ ___ __ __ __ __ 384 Jail____________________________ 380 Municipal Lodgillg Houae __ . _____ 383 National Library for the Blind_ _ __ 384 National Training School for Boys_ 381 National Training School for Girls_ 381 Public &BBistance____ ____ __ __ __ __ 383 Saint Elizabetha Hospital_ _ _ __ _ __ 384 Soldiers and sailors, temporary home for former ____ _ __ __ __ __ 383 Southern Relief Society ____ . _ __ __ 384 Vocational rehabilitation _____ . ___ 384 Workhouse and Reformatory, ad- ministration ________ . ___ . ___ 380 Public Works Administration, repay- ment of loan from_ ____ __ __ __ __ 365 Refuse, collection and disposal_ . ___ 366 Schools, public __________ . _. _______ 368 Ameri6anization work ____ . _ __ __ __ 368 Buildings and ground'! _ __ ____ __ 369, 371