Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/976

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XXXII rarm Credit Act of 1937-Colltiuued. Federal Farm Loan Act, Amendments- Continued. Farm loan a88()Ciation-Continued. Territories, adjustment of bound- aries_________ - _ _ - __ -_------ Voting, shareholders' meetings ___ _ Intermediate cl'€dit banks- Annual earnings, disposition oL _- _ Debentures, collateral security for_ Preparation and issue, regula- tions governing ______ . . _ _ _ Purchase01-. ___ . ____ . __ " __ "_ Location in each farm credit dis- trict___ .. _. _..... _____ . _. _. Property, acquisition and disposal of _________________ . . _ _ _ _ _ Land banks- Bond committee, subcomm:Vce authorized__________ - _- - _ _ Borrowers, transfer to Farm Mort- gage Corporation permitted_ Districts, provisions repealed ____ _ Examiners, dcsignation changed_ - . Farm credit board members ex officio directors of, in district __ Loans, liquidation of debts in- curred prior to JaIl. I, 1937__ _ Powers_________ .. - _.. __

Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation Act, Amendment&- Consolidated farm loan borads, pur- chase of; loans to Federal lan'l banks____ . _______ • ______ .. __ Extension of unpaid obligations; illter- estrate _______________ ... _ - Regional agricultural credit corpUra- tions, powers, ete., conferred _____ _ Consolidation and merger of ___ .. _ _ _ Reports on condition of institutions re- ceiving loans, infonnation from Government agencies. _ _ _ .. _ _

Unexpended balances, use of certain, to constitute revolving fnnd ________ _ F.rm Credit Admlnisuatioa.: Appropriation for- Federal Farm Mortgage Corporatioll_ Printing and binding_______ . .. . _ _ -_ Salaries and expenses ___ - __ -___..._ Deficiency appropriation for crop pro- duction loans ___ • __ _ _ __ --_.- _-- Crop production, etc., loans authorized during 1937___________ - - - _- . Appropriation authorized ____ . . __ Appropriation for _ _ _ _ ___ .... Conditions prescribed ____ . __ _____ _ _ Pel'llOnnel; use of designated agencies, facilities, cte ______ . _ _ C nlawiul acta______ . _ _ . __________ _ INDEX Page Farm Credit Adminlstratioa-Continued. Page Property acquired on account of loans, sale oL________________________ 717 Farmers: Appropriation for- 707 Bulletins, printing, etc., 01. _________ 397 710 Cooperative demonstration work __ . _ 401 Exhibits at fairs_ _____________ ___ __ 401 715 Farm forestry, cooperative __ _ _ _____ 401 715 Motion pictures _____ . _ _ __ __ ____ _ __ 401 Crop production, etc., loans authori:lled 715 during 1937 ____________ .. ______ 5 715 Appropriation authorized___________ 7 Appropn.'\tioll for _____ . _ ___ _ . __ _ 11 707 Conditiolls prescribed ____ . _. _ . _ ___ _ 6 Personnel; use of designated agencies, 71'; facilities, etc _____ . . _ __ ________ 6 Unlawfulacts___ . ____ __________ ___ 7 Farmers' Home Corporation, establish- 709 ment, etc_________________________ 527 larm Forestry. See Cooperative Farm 710 Forestry Act. 707 Farm Islan1l, S. naIL, COllstruction, opera- 710 tion, etc., amusement and recrea- tional facilities on, by Pierre, author- 707 i:lled_____________________________ 648 Farm Loan Act. See Federal Farm Loan 708 Act, Amendments. 708 Farm Mortgage Act. See Emergenl:Y Farm Mortgage Act of 1933, Amend- ments. Farm Mortgage Corporation Act. See Federai Fann Mortgage Corporation 703 Act, Amendments. Farm Mortgage CorporatIon, Federal, 703 funds available for administrative expenscs_________________________ 434 716 Payments t.o, on account of interest 717 rate reductions_ __ __ ___ ________ _ 771 Farm Tenant Act. See Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act. 716 Federal-Aid Highways: J.ppropriation for __________________ . 422 709 Toll bridges on, aid to States in making certain, free bridges_ ___ __________ 640 Federal Alcohol Adminisuation, appropri- 434 ationfor__ __ __ ____ ____ __________ _ 144 433 Federa. Board for Vocational Education, 433 appropriation for__________________ 223 Federal Bureau of Investigation. See 11 Justice, Department of. Federal CommunlcatioDs Commission: 5 Appropriation for ________________ . . . 334 7 Deficiency appropriation for ________ 21;,.757 11 American Telephone and Telegraph. 6 etc., companies, investigation_ __ 11 Communications Act of 1934, Amend- 6 ments, powers under. See separate 7 title.