Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/979

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Florida-Contin ued. Anastasia 1I,;land Lighthouse Reaerva- tion, disposal of portion of, amend- ment to Act providinl{ for _______ , St. AlIl{1I8tine, ('onn'yancc of portion t.o ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ .. __ _ Chapman Field, sllttlement of outstand- ing claims against, authorized ___ _ Crooked River Range Lighthouse Reser- vation, conveyancc of strip to Statc ________________________ _ F.\ ·erglade8 National Park, prohibition on expenditure of public money for administration, etc., eliminated_ f'ort Barrancas, construction at, author- ized __________________________ _ Fort Myers, establishment of Coast Guard station at, authorized _____ _ Pa~-a-Grille, establishment of Coast Guard station at _______________ _ River and harbor bnprovements author- ized __________________________ _ Preliminary examinations author- INDE.~ xxx\' PaRe Forel,. Pint Qqar••tlae, appropriation for enforcement __________________ _ Forei,. Service. See aho International 6-1 Obligations; State, Department of. Appropriation for- 65 Beaulac, Willard Lo, payment to ___ _ Contingent expenses ______________ _ 135 Cost ofIh'ing aIlov.·ance ___________ _ Emergencies _____________________ _ Hanna, Gustava, payment to__ • ___ _ 667 Hoover, Marion P., payment to. __ _ • ReDt, heat, fuel, and light_________ _ Representation allov. - anccs __ _ _ _ __ _ _ • 742 Retirement and disability fund _____ _ Salaries- 857 Ambassadors and millistcra.. _ __ . _. Clerks________________________ _ 639 Foreign Senoice officers __________ _ M~ll alle oU8 ______ _______ _____ _ 169 Transportation, Foreign Service om- cera _________________________ _ 847 Deficiency appropriativn fol'- Cameron, Cecile C., payment to ___ _ Fate 411-1 272 265 264 266 27'.1 273 264 264 265 ized_ __ _________________ __ 853, 8i8 Contingent expenre!l ______________ _ Emergencies, Diplomatic and CoDIIU- 771 228 Saint Augustine, establishment of Coast Guard 8tation at ______________ _ Southern Judicial District, courtrooms at Orlando______________ - ____ , Temls at Tallahassee ___________ _ Florida River, FIL, examination author- ized _____________________________ _ Floyd River, Iowa, examination author- ized _________ . . ___________ ________ _ •'Iushin. Bay, N. Y•• impro\'cment 8l1thor- ized _____________________________ _ Appropriation for __________________ , _ Focht, Benjamin K., payment to widow of_ . 'olly Creek, VL, examination authorized_ Food and Dru, Administration. See "ltri- cuJt.ure, Department of. Food and Dru,s Act, appropriation fur enforcement. ____ _____ ____ ____ ___ _ Foot-and-Mouth Disease, appropriatioll for eradication ____________ .... ___ __ _ .'orage Crops and Diseases, appropria- tion for invClitigatiolls _____________ _ Ford. Henry and Clara J.. acceptance oi certail. property donated for Vct- crans' Administration purposes ____ . Foreign and Domestic Comn-,erce. Bureau of. See Commerce, Department of. Forei,n Commerce Service. appropriatioll for ______________________________ _ Foreign Currency Appreciation: Appropriation for payuwnt of losses_ Annual appropriations to meet 10ssl'N due to. change in date of bcgillning payments ____ . ' Foreign Personal Holding Companies. tax on, See Income Tax, M6 119 800 853 879 S45


214 852 larSer'oil'e __________________ _ Property IOIIIICs, payment of claimsfor _ Salaries- Ambassadora and ministera ___ • __ _ Clerks _____________ . ___ ___ ___ __ _ Assignment of Navy and Marine Corps officers and men abroad. reim- bursement for expenees__________ _ Commissary privileges, foreign stations• extended to officera of_________ __ Minor purchasc.. , etc. , witlioutcontracta_ Navy and Marine Corps, assignment of enlisted mell as custodians ____ _ Officel"ll, restriction 011 pa~'mellt of sal- ariea to, recehoing other salary from Go\Oernmellt_ _ ___________ _ Transfer of appropriations; restriction_ 428 Foreign Service Officers. See Foreign I-1er\"i(~e. ·~06 Foreign Service Pay Adjustment. appro- 770 769 770 228 266 03 273 263 266 priatioll for __ __ ____ _______ ____ ____ 336 4U8 Forel,n Trade. appropriation for promo- tion of ___ ____________ ___ ______ ___ 203 .'orei,n-Trade Agreem~nts. c:s:h'nsion of 54 authority of President to euwr iut.o _ 24 ForeEot Fire Prevention. eho,. appropria- tioll for__________________________ 607 Forest Pathology. appropriation for io-


Vt~til{ations_ ____ _____ ______ ____ ___ 408 Forest Research Stations, International 33. '\ Union of. appropriatioll for contrihu- tioll_ _ _ __ _____ ___ _____ ___ __ ______ 413 Forest Roads and Trails, apprnpriatillll 641 for ______________ .. __ ___ _____ ____ 433 ForE'stry. S. c O.>Operatino Il1rlll }<'oretltry Act,