Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/987

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Illinois Waterway, III., illo<iiticatioll ill exi!!t ing proje(·t (or illlpro'·PIII('nL. Immigration ..\l't of 1917, .4.mendment, re- 1\10\,lll at GOV('rnlTll'nt expense of ('el'tllin ulil'llI; upplying for dcporta- t.ion; indiltibilit~· Cor readmissiun ___ _ IlIImigration Ad or 1924, Amendment, rlcportat-ion of aliens ",h'.) secured pref- urcnce 01' non-quota "irlss by cuntra(·t - ing marriage to frslldull'ntly cxpcclih' admission _____ . ___ _ .___. ______ . I .....".tion .nd NataraUzation Ser'flte. See alao Aliens; Labor, Depart IIl1'nt of. F!lipino emigration, time extendt'd for making appii('utioll for benefits_. Im~lgr.tlon Stations, upp!'Opriation (or __ Imperh..., River, Fla., examinatinl1 author- ize(L. _____ .... ___ ___ _ ... ______ _ .. Implementin, Nartotlcs Convention of 1931, appropriation for contribution. Ia.alural Cerem.niee of 1937: Admission tickets, ~'x('lllptiun fr'lm admissions ta).. _ . . Tl'OOpB, quarU'rilllt of, ill (·(·rtain plIhlic builclingB_ . I8eome T.x: Corporations eXl'Cptl'd frorn l'I('t·. 102_ Disallowed d(~du(·tion" _ . _ Effecth'e dates.. "'oreign personal huldillg ('olllpallics __ • Adjullted "IUds of sto('k .. Assc8lllDellt 811d col\('Ctiull, llt'riud of limitation _____ .... CorlJOration inconle taX('(j to l'uitl'd States Ilhafl'holclel'H_ _ .. .____. Defillition. ___ .. . _. __ --_. - -...._ E1fecti\'(~ date _____ .... __ . _... '" __ . Formatioll, etc., of fOfl'il[1I corpora· tions, returns 8B to _ . . _... Grol!8 income_ _ __ __ ____ _ _ .'_ (IIl'Jusion of income of United Stutes shareholders in income of- __ . Inlowll, defillition ________ . . ' .. Information returns by- OfJicl'rs alld directors __ • _. _ .. 8hareholders_ . ___ ... _____ . ___ .._ Liquidation of •• _ . _ . Minor amendments to 1936 Act. _ Penalties ___ .. .. ___ .. .. _.. ~t<)ck in, aeqllirccl from deced('nt, ba,;is of__ .... _' ____ ._... Sw.k ownership _____ . .. '...___.. . Supplement P nct income_ •.. Undistributed Supplement P net in· conle. __ . '.' ___ .___...._ ~utllal investmcnt eompanies __ • _"... Nonresident alien individuals. _ . . . . . P('rsonal holding companies____ _ Adjusted lIet income. computal iOIl_ . .

\timini"tmli,,' pr'j",,,,,, . _ _

Il'OllEX 164 1M S78 268 4 4 830 ~27 828 818 82.'> 826 822 818 825 824 820 818 818 823 82~ 82.1 82t\ 824 825 819 821 821 831 830 813 ~16 ~17 . Inrome T.x-Colltinu(·d. Personal holding C'()mpani{'~-· ..('A)lItd. Cross·rcferonCe8. (lhllllgC~ ill .. Definition_ Effectiv(~ rillt('8 __ . _ Forl.'iItIL _ InCfJlIIl', dl,liuitiull of _.. !\Ieaning of tenns uscd_ . .. _. Stock ownership_ . __ _ ... _.. __ _ Surplus, improper accumulation of_ Hurtax on ___________ . . . . PnWstrihutcd adjustcct Ilet illl'.ome, computation. _ .. . . . _. ..... .. . Trusts _____ ' ___.__" Effective dates __ . . Fiduciary returns ___ _ Personal exemption, d"lIial of_ Independent Oftitea: AllPropriation for-- American Battle Monulllcnts Com· miBsioll. ____ ___ _ .. . . . Board of Ta..1: Appeals.. _ _ . .. _. Central Statistical D',ard. _ .. . Civilian Conscrvation Corps_ . Civil Service CommiS8ion_ . __ .. _. Commodity Credit Corporation _ .. _. District of Columbia Alley Dwellin~ Authority _____ . . __ ...... . 1<:lectrie Home and Farm Allthorit~· ElUployees' Compensation Commb•• sion ___ • _______ .. _.. I~Xl'Clltive Office_. ____ ... Executive Mallldoll alld gruunds, maintenance, ..te .. Pre,ddellt and Vice Pn'llidcllt, 1'(/'1'\- pensation _. ___ . J<:xTlOrt-Import Hank Ilf Washing· ton, D. COo_ J'cdcral Comlnllnirnti()lls CommU!- Ilion ____ . _. _.. Fcderal Emergency Arhllilli~tration (If PIIhlie Works _____ . Fl'dernl Home I..o8n Bank Hoard. _. Fl~d('ral HOlll!ing Administratioll •• _. . Federal P(I\wr Commission ....... . }<'cdcra) &\ings and Loan Insurance Ctlrl'orl\tion _ . _• _. __ . I'cdcral Trade Commission __ . __ ._. _ Foreign service pay adjust;ment_ . . .. General Accounting Office ___ .. Home Owners' Loan Corporation ___ _ Interstate Commerce Commil!l!ion. National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics _______ .... ___ ... _ National Archivcs_ . __ .__... ___ . ... National Clipital Park allli Plallllilll( ComllliSF.ion_ •• __ . _.. ~ational I..ahor Relations Hoard __ . National Mr·diatiun Board. _ .. XUII Page 817 814 817 RI7 814 f\17 815 817 I'll~ 1'16 829 830 S29 R2!1


331 331 470 331 317 333




351 348 350 334 351 335 335 335 349 336 338 338 339 a39 340